What makes her your ATF??

Yes, this thread has been done before. But it has been a while and we need something to talk about amongst ourselves here on the Northeast Texas Board.

There seems to be very little discussion on this board. I know we have a lot of UTR Hobbiest. I am not knocking that. You all have your reasons. But I am hoping to start a thread that leads to some discussion. There are no wrong answers as only you can describe what makes a particular Playmate one of your ATFs.

To me, an ATF is someone that you will do everything you can to adjust your schedule and your finances to see her when she announces she is coming through your​ town or when she is a local girl and lets you know she would like to see you. It doesn't always happen ... but you try. You honor her with your continued patronage.

But what has she done to get you to that point?

For me, it generally starts with me feeling some genuine passion while BCDs. I tend to feel myself loose a little control. I am hungry for her kiss and everything that goes with it. Now, keep in mind that I don't loose control but I am right up against my cliff of doing so and could be pushed over at any time.

She knows how I feel. It has to be evident. I am not talking like I jump to stalker mode. I float too much between ATFs to get fixated on one. But she knows I am in lust!!

We continue that chemistry for a few visits. I know she holds me in high regards as well verses her other hobbiest as she is reaching out to me for repeat visits. I know what most of you are saying!! She is doing so because you are easy money.

If she is feeling the same chemistry, then she too will offer concessions to make repeat visits more numerous. She might offer concessions on her pricing as she enjoys her time with me and doesn't have to keep reference checking new guys. She might be firm on her price but might ask me to stay past the hour I have paid for. Or something else that tells me she values me above others.

No, I will not negotiate or haggle. She knows what she is comfortable with so that she can look herself in the mirror and be happy. Sometimes everything is there for a possible ATF but the paths don't converge at the same time to make it happen.

I know I might have some Playmates who will come on this thread defensive. Please don't!! This isn't about getting something for free. This isn't about being a cheap hobbiest. My guess is that I spend more than the average hobbiest. It is about what makes that connection happen and a playmate advance to ATF?!

I have a few ATFs. You know who you are!! Thank you!!

HOBBIEST ... What makes a Playmate your ATF?

PLAYMATES ... If you feel like chiming in, what makes a hobbiest one of your favorites?
For me if I feel comfortable around the P M and after seeing her the first time after it's over and I'm leaving & all ready wanting to see the P M again.
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The ATF will shift her RW job around to accommodate ME!! That speaks volumes to me, no joke!! In the past she has been up-front with me on scheduling and will let me know if there is another appt before mine. She doesn't bullshit me, but is honest all the way. Most providers will lie to you about missing chunks of time where they go silent. She will let you know if she just got out of jail to handle past warrants.

She will offer me her new finds BEFORE they even hit the board, and will give me an exclusive rate for the review, she knows their worth, it brought all her regulars back. She will accommodate me on outcall with no upcharge, even though she does charge extra for out on her showcase. She never calls, and only texts after asking for my permission.

She always stays over and never mentions clock. She has even let me show up to her house when kids are home and I take her out for a date, (which apparently, I'm the only hobbyist to be face to face with her kids) and she lets her guard down.

The best reason as to why she has the label is we both understand our role in the game, and we keep it that way.
For me it is that we have chemistry and both seem to enjoy the time together and never worry about time. I hardly ever go over an hour but that is my choice. Each time we meet she has the same passion as the last time and always seem to find new ways to make each other enjoy the session.
It is strange but she has been my ATF now for a year and it is funny as the first time we met I had decided not to go back, but I did and now she is my ATF and my go to. She gave me a discount a year ago and has never asked for more even though if she asked I would give her more.
She is always fresh, lets me know she has seen no one else before me that day, as I tend to make my appointment early in the day to avoid going behind someone.
She caters to my wishes each time and always has my favorite drink and we spend lots of time talking discussing life and just enjoy our time. Yes the sex with her is better than any other I found in the hobby at this time.
I do keep up with her and find that a lot of our sessions are YMMV on activities which makes me like her even more.
Do I stalk her, no, as she is here to support herself and family and I have no right to interfere with her life as she does not interfere with mine.
Will it last forever, I am sure not, because things always change but the ride is special while they last.
I tend to have one ATF at a time and she is my 4th in the last 10 years.
Just my experience.
Harley ... I hear what your saying about being surprised she ended up as your ATF!! The differences in us is that I hobby weekly. To protect myself from becoming a stalker, I have to have more than one ATF. If not, I would fixate on one and go overboard.

But, I am surprised about 2 of my ATFs. Like you, I first visited with one of mine just after joining the Hobby. It was OK. I had fun. Never planned on seeing her again. A year later, I was bored and she was in Tyler. I figured what the heck. Might as well get re-aquinted. LORD!! What passion and chemistry!! Blew my socks off. I now see her every chance I get. I try to always honor our hour. But I knew she felt the chemistry as well when she told me one time that the first hour was on me and the hour after that was on her. I always go in with every session trying to be honorable and stay for only the hour that I covered with a donation. But stuff like want she said that one time goes A LONG WAY!! One of my other Playmate ATFs took a different route. I looked at her Showcase for over a year after joining the Hobby. She seemed to come to Tyler every few weeks. I was literally scared of her!! I really thought she would be more than I was prepared for. To be clear, I AM NOT referring to any unsafe practices. She was supposed to be a stunning woman with a sexual appetite for PSE with many piercings. I am a SIMPLE LOVER and am pretty much basic BCDs with a flare every now and then. Thus, the reason I thought she was more than I could handle. I finally put my big boy pants on one day and reached out to her. I am so glad that I did!! She is a Goddess in my books. She knows who she is. She was my first actual Greek Experience. We have enjoyed each other's company many times. When I took a break from the hobby for shoulder surgery, she checked on me nearly weekly even though she knew I couldn't hobby for months. She continues to help me test my limits and makes each time together different than the last.

My ATFs also have in common that control during the session is 50/50. Yes, the first session or two is all me in control. They are trying to please me as a customer. But an ATF relationship moves past that. We become more of a partnership than a business/customer relationship. I had one ATF that I had in MISH one time and she rolled us over because she all of a sudden wanted to grind a few Os out in CG. She is here for me and I am her for her.
  • jwood
  • 05-25-2017, 06:25 AM
Chemistry, chemistry, hygiene, chemistry, chemistry, never gets tired of giving head.
Chemistry, chemistry, hygiene, chemistry, chemistry, never gets tired of giving head. Originally Posted by jwood
I understand and agree to a point!! But it is strange the number of Playmates who talk heavily about the chemistry we have but then treat you like every other guy she sees. I am not saying that she does something special for me and for me only. I know I have my 5 favorites so I assume she might have her 5-20 favorites. The more she travels, the more favorites she might have. For examole, if Harley and I happened to have the same Playmate as his ATF and one of my ATFs. It doesn't bother me or impact my thoughts of her being my ATF knowing he is getting the same type of experience from her as I do. I know she has her multiple favorites in various cities. However, when I find out that every guy is getting the exact same experience (non-clock watching) or discounted rate after a visit or two, it lessens the chemistry that I feel towards her. What we have no longer means as much!!

So to me, it is about chemistry but it is also about what each of us do to continue that chemistry and put a special touch on it to make it more than just a business/customer transaction.
By the way, thanks everyone for participating!! It is nice to have some conversation finally in NETX!!

Ladies, feel free to jump in. Guys, if they do, respect their thoughts please.
This analogy of a cliff is interesting. It kind of resonates with me because I guess I think about falling in lust with a guest in terms of approaching an edge or a very fine line. The space between approaching and crossing that line is very nuanced.

From the perspective of one companion who does not at all speak on behalf of anyone else who shares my position as a provider, a high level of mutual respect is needed for me to let go and expose myself to being even more vulnerable than what is average. This level of increased vulnerability and connectedness is what underpins an ATF dynamic for me.

But this same dynamic can be a double-edged sword. There is an ilk of hobbyists who swear that no escort can ever exhibit real emotions or experience real affection because of the explicitly transactional nature of sex work. That fallacious notion is immensely frustrating as my feelings are very real, deep-running, and long lasting.

When it comes to clients who have swayed me to feel even more tender than say someone who only visited with me once, I have experienced both ends of the spectrum: a guest who exploited this delicate dynamic as well as one who I would gleefully see again in a heartbeat.

Now, keep in mind that I don't loose control but I am right up against my cliff of doing so and could be pushed over at any time.
Well hello Ms Duval!! First, I see you comment on a lot of boards ... always with class and respect. Thanks for commenting here.

I can and will agree with everything in your statement. I for one believe every Playmates has it within her to be more that just an object. I can see how it can be difficult on your side of the fence to keep from loosing the true woman inside as there are probably more guys than not on here who simply desire to use you as an object. That for one is sad but it is part of the hobby. It is also sad when the Playmate simply performs as an object. But that too is part of this beast we call a hobby.

The double edged sword analogy applies in so many ways. For one, if you open yourself up to the wrong person, whalla ... you now have a stalker or someone who ocean mouths in a review of what he is getting and now every Tom, Dick, & Harry is contacting you for the same service when it is HIGHLY a YMMV type situation. Hell, it really isn't even a YMMV situation as it really is only something special between you and a few ATFs. It is a double edged sword for us as well. Approaching that cliff with no control can lead to some RW problems that end up impacting our jobs, friends, and (even worse) our family.

Finding that ATF Connection (where both parties feel the connection) is one of the most powerful experiences in this hobby. When you both can loose control for the few hours you are together and passion flows, it is hot, kisses are deep and passionate showing hunger and desire ... all for that special time together BCDs. Then life goes on as you go your separate ways. All the while you both occasionally look forward to the next time with fondness.
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  • Jaci
  • 06-01-2017, 02:20 AM
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  • 06-01-2017, 06:45 AM
My Saddle Up & Ride'm
Kisses,Jaci Originally Posted by Jaci
Save a horse, ride a cowboy.
I think it is mostly chemistry and I knew it from the first day and she finally asked me one time Why me ?
I simply told her I like her and liked her personality and I thought she was sexy as hell.
I have never haggled with her and probably have over paid for services.
I don't mind paying for services or things I like and usually its like finding the best steak in town and I know when I like something and I over tip and let them know I liked it .
Yeah she knows I think she is filet mignon but in return she treats me special and its more like visiting and old GF than meeting a provider.
She has never watched the clock or overcharged me for services and never done add ons and I treat her with respect and her me and I never try to cross certain boundries. I know about her life and she mine and we never interfere with our RW lives . Its a special bond between us and we probably never go more than 3 or 4 days without talking to each other .
So far its been a good relationship and I think we both appreciate each other and we both know what each other bring to the table and we both enjoy our time together.
We both see other people but I think we both prefer to see each other..who knows u might find another person just as special but it sure would be hard to top what we have right now.