wtf review missing

offshoredrilling's Avatar
review by m-goat puff as reading it
it was not that bad was it ?

The Recycle Bin 2.0 (1/2014 - Current) ?
Wakeup's Avatar
Yes, it was pulled and is being discussed by Staff. If it returns, it returns, if it doesn’t, it doesn’t.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmmm but but but gone forever bad
So I will hope for the red ink version
at times red ink is entertaining
even if never as good as was

btw: Welcome ta Upset NY ah again eh
offshoredrilling's Avatar
yet all goats accounted for? Well so far
rooster's Avatar
It sounds like the gal may be disputing the validity of the review, maybe saying the appointment did not take place. Or that there is other info that questions whether it is legit. Given"interesting" history between the Reviewer and the Reviewee, that could be fun for "Staff" to figure out.

Some had already accused the poor cuck of writing it just to cause her some shit.
And she ain't exactly a model of stability herself. Who do you believe?

The benefit of the doubt is supposed to go to the OP if things boil down to it being a "he said / she said." But who knows WTF is really going on....prolly not even wakey, believe it or don't..

One could argue "who cares?" But....there is the whole idea of "a threAd should never be removed or closed"..except in extreme circumstances. It will be interesting to see WTF happens (or doesn't).

If ya count that missing review, there were 3 posted recently that call out 3 different well-known spinners of concern. No surprise to lotsa cucks on here. The other 2 reviews are still there. But it doesn't matter. They'll still get plenty of business.
Capt. Hooker's Avatar
I read it before it went puff, was interesting.
I thought when in doubt spinners get benefit of the doubt
Wakeup's Avatar
It sounds like the gal may be disputing the validity of the review... Originally Posted by rooster
Wouldn’t matter in this case if she did....

As I said, if it comes back, it comes back. If not, then not.
rooster's Avatar
Wouldn’t matter in this case if she did....

As I said, if it comes back, it comes back. If not, then not. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Perfectly clear. As always.

the review should be a sticky

and cant loose sight

of the fact
its the OP's first


winner a the ...annual ol mary profile in courage award!
Wakeup's Avatar
You can always ask the OP what the issue is with it...
Gotta check in the members you miss!

lilylivered's Avatar
Doesnt look like the review is coming back