Number Crunch: Review Links

DownForWhatever's Avatar
File this under: "Too much time on my hands"...or "What to do while recovering from minor surgery".

Anyway, my marketing analysis skills were getting a little rusty so I thought I'd sharpen them on our local hobby scene.

Using some "screen scraping" tools, I ran a few quick analytics on 100 recent "Encounter Reports".

The first "crunch" was to see which sources Reviews linked back to for more provider info. I counted the total number of links and then calculated the percentage of total links by source. Here ya' go:

#1: OH2.....26% (of all links)
#2: RR......22%
#3: Eccie...20%
#4: P411.....9%
#5: List C...8%
#6: None.....7%
#7: Website..4%
#8: Tryst....4%
#9: Eros.....1%

So, Reviews on this site end up sending readers away to other sites 80% of the time...with OH2 and RR being the prime benefactors. I'm sure that is due availability to advertise on the sites.

OH2 has an advantage because it allows both ads and reviews. For the most part, RR and P411 are just ads.

There's some other interesting demographic info to look at...and I may post...unless the usual trolls come out from under their respective bridges.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-14-2021, 04:46 PM
Post up all info
TinMan's Avatar
Actually, I’m surprised Eccie ranked as high as it does since it no longer allows ads. I’m not surprised that the majority of reviews are of ladies outside of Eccie or OH2. I’ve commented before that Eccie still appears to be the best place to find a review of someone advertising elsewhere besides one of the two local SHMBs.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
The reason Eccie is so high up in review totals is pretty simple. Unless you pay for it, that is how you obtain BCD access. Since there is no checks and balance system, there are going to be bunches of fake reviews posted on Eccie to get that access (what was especially bad were the encouraged pimp/ad reviews to bait business in the door before the site went dark). Many of which were those reviews of providers that were not members here since they could not dispute the review, but even then, if it was a good review, then that is just as good if not better than an actual ad for her.

On any other site, reviews do not really get a guy anything as far as the site goes so there is no incentive for a hobbyist to post a fake review anywhere else.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Time out...

This is NOT about the number of reviews...100% are from Eccie

This IS about where we go after the reviews...and how Eccie is bleeding off its Provider base

Carry On!
TinMan's Avatar
Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re counting. I thought this data was based on fields in the “URL/Website” field. For example, this one that shows OH2 as the link back to where you can find the lady:

If that’s not correct, maybe you could provide an example, as I suspect I’m not the only one to make that assumption.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Time out...

This is NOT about the number of reviews...100% are from Eccie

This IS about where we go after the reviews...and how Eccie is bleeding off its Provider base

Carry On! Originally Posted by DownForWhatever
I think my post above is also a good answer for it as well, especially considering that no one can find a provider on here without knowing her name. No new to the business providers are going to sign up here since they cannot introduce themselves or place ads.

Because there are so many fake/endorsement reviews on Eccie, then so is the reason to feel the legit ones are going to be elsewhere, therefore the guys go elsewhere to look for those reviews and ads of providers to see. Then, to continue to keep their BCD access, post their reviews here, but with the links of where they initially saw the provider's ad or how they found the provider.
TinMan's Avatar
Yes, Eccie’s changes are causing their provider base to shrink. I don’t believe anyone doubts that.

On the bright side, I do think eccie’s method of granting PA vs OH2’s encourages guys to post reviews here on new talent who aren’t already present on one of the two boards. I am less likely to go to the trouble of posting an OH2 review on someone I’ve discovered on RR because a) I have to work around that board’s “review gremlin”, and b) there is no incentive to do so. I will post reviews there for ladies who are either already members or express a desire to become members. I’ll continue to post reviews here of pretty much any new gal I see since I get PA credit for doing so.

Further anecdotal support for guys being more inclined to post random finds on ECCIE: whenever I’m searching a phone number or handle on a woman who doesn’t have a presence on OH2, I’m more likely to find info on her here than over there.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re counting. I thought this data was based on fields in the “URL/Website” field. For example, this one that shows OH2 as the link back to where you can find the lady:

If that’s not correct, maybe you could provide an example, as I suspect I’m not the only one to make that assumption. Originally Posted by TinMan
Perfect Example, Tin...

The review resides here on Eccie...but the URL/Website field links to OH2, where the reviewer references her and where the Provider has chosen to park her ad, photos, contact info, etc....not here.

The "crunch" shows that this is the case in 80% of all Eccie reviews.

I'm thinking this would be a fairly recent trend...guessing that Eccie and P411 probably owned 80% of the provider info 3 to 5 years ago.

If we cleared that up...we can take a look at East vs. West (D vs. FW) in the next crunch.
TinMan's Avatar
I’ll be interested in the D vs FW findings. I’m gonna go out on a limb and predict OH2 will make up a larger percentage of the Dallas reviews than Fort Worth.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-15-2021, 08:47 AM
OH2 was pretty much a ghost town before eccie shut down, trick owner had that site primarily to set up his personal socials. Maybe that's why he's incapable of moderation

I mean think about it, WTF ever visited that trash site when eccie was at it's peak? I've never even heard about it until I seen a link on switter (another site I've never heard of before the shut down)
TinMan's Avatar
Whatever it used to be, OH2 is definitely a player now. Both sites are pretty much neck and neck with one another when it comes to review activity in the DFW area. There is a lot of overlap, but I do believe if someone performed the same analysis on that site they would find a higher percentage of the reviews are of ladies on OH2 than the OP found in his number crunching here.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
I’ll be interested in the D vs FW findings. I’m gonna go out on a limb and predict OH2 will make up a larger percentage of the Dallas reviews than Fort Worth. Originally Posted by TinMan
Wanna Bet?
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Whatever it used to be, OH2 is definitely a player now. Both sites are pretty much neck and neck with one another when it comes to review activity in the DFW area. There is a lot of overlap, but I do believe if someone performed the same analysis on that site they would find a higher percentage of the reviews are of ladies on OH2 than the OP found in his number crunching here. Originally Posted by TinMan
Tin...I will do the same for OH2 as suggested. There is one additional level of difficulty involved: separate Forms for D and FW.

I want to stick with a sample of 100 Reviews. Crunch #2 shows a 72/28 ratio between D/FW. I may pull 72 from Dallas and 28 from Fort Worth...but, may change that once I get into the weeds.

Stay tuned.
TinMan's Avatar
Wanna Bet? Originally Posted by DownForWhatever
Lol. No way! You have all the data!

I figured there are so few OH2 ladies located in FW that we just wouldn’t see as many show up in the numbers. Sounds like I was wrong on that guess.