
Anyone know why the price was adjusted?

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not a review, moved to coed.

But, which price for what?
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
"Putin's price hike"
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Michael8219's Avatar
Lessco Brandon said to raise the price on everything! Gots to pay for my student loan debt reduction and tree hugging programs.

And we know Lessco likes to hug young trees. “hey sapling, hoe old are you babe?” “What are you doing on my birthday next month? Wanna help me blow out my candles?”

“Oh you don’t want cake? You want a creampie? I think that’s how Hunter got in trouble but let me take my blue pill and I’ll let you play with the nuclear football. Let’s see if we can launch one!”
Cendell M's Avatar
"Putin's price hike" Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz

^^^ what is a lessco? JW
Michael8219's Avatar
Lessco is a variation of “Let’s go” in the following original video and when put together with “Brandon” expresses the feelings the country has for the occupant of the residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and his puppet masters:

Cendell M's Avatar
Lol I hear “Fuck Joe Biden” good video

No I knew what let’s go Brandon meant but I just figured you were renaming “let’s go”l lessco lol

Anyways back on topic why was the price Adjusted anyone know?
  • pxmcc
  • 10-31-2022, 01:33 AM
Lol I hear “Fuck Joe Biden” good video

No I knew what let’s go Brandon meant but I just figured you were renaming “let’s go”l lessco lol

Anyways back on topic why was the price Adjusted anyone know? Originally Posted by Cendell M
everyone knows it was the supply chain..

oh ya, and some dictator who thinks zero covid is actually a thing..
Cendell M's Avatar
TryWeakly's Avatar