providers with no recent activity

Every now and then I see a really hot looking provider. But then I notice that her eccie showcase has had no activity for several months and no recent reviews. Does that mean she isn't around any more? Is it useless to try contacting her?

How will you know unless you try to contact her?
not always! Some of us prefer no reviews! Its just a personal choice! I have reviews from years ago and don't want any new ones as I have established clientele but its provider choice really! call it never hurts!

daty/o's Avatar
I wonder how long a provider has to go with no activity before her showcase is dropped. Seems like the listing is cluttered with girls that haven't been online for several months. And any attempt at contact usually goes unanswered. That tells me they have had second thoughts or moved on.
I believe its 90 days without a log in will revert you from verified provider to registered member.
Well, it's not like ECCIE makes it easy for a girl to want to be around.

You'll probably notice a lot of ladies guesting their accounts after months of inactivity due to the atmosphere. They take to other avenues of advertising.

I would always call a lady, or google her name, email or phone number to see where she's hanging out.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
yo tiffani how u doing? what does ECCIE do that makes it hard to hang around?
Yo (who says that?) General! LOL

It's not the staff or ECCIE in general, and certain areas are friendlier than others. It's mainly the atmosphere it fosters. Let some of the guys have it their way, a lady would only post in the ads section of their respective city. I can understand that this arena doesn't bring out the brightest bulbs in the pack, so their communication styles aren't necessarily the best. If I were not myself, I wouldn't want to be here. But I can hang with the big dogs....

From what I hear from some ladies who've left, it's said you may as well advertise on BP because catering to ECCIE members neither raises the bar on the correspondence you get, nor does it make prospective clients act any better. With BB requests, negotiators, and review discount scammers, and basically getting clowned every time you make a post outside of the Ads section, I completely understand some ladies' views. No lady should put her eggs in one basket.

Not only that, the mindset of you gents aren't varied enough. A guy gets ridiculed for wanting longer sessions, or paying over market rate. Nobody wants to hear that bargain basement cheapo shit all the time. I can imagine from a new lady only knowing about ECCIE and BP, she feels limited to this mindset. But again, a smart lady knows how what I call the Party of P4P works.
What they really need to do is clear the visitors from (insert city here) when they're gone. All kindsa hot chix not really in Dallas for more than 3 days cluttering up the landscape. It's just a pain in the ass to most of us but if I were a local lady I'd want that shit outta there when the visitor left town so potential business knew what was a wank and what was available.
Really Phil? Wow, you'd be a vindictive and jealous provider! Calm down baby, it's enough business for everyone. LOL

Maybe they went UTR, or moved on.

Every now and then I see a really hot looking provider. But then I notice that her eccie showcase has had no activity for several months and no recent reviews. Does that mean she isn't around any more? Is it useless to try contacting her?

Thanks Originally Posted by jimmy simpson
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  • Trey
  • 06-28-2013, 01:44 PM
Good to see you Lisa.