F-I-N-A-L-L-Y !!!

Bentley Jetaun's Avatar
Good Morning All,

With patience and persistence I was FINALLY able to recover my Try** account. I jumped thru so many hoops I thought I was going to have to start over and create a brand new profile. I almost felt as if I were being jumped into a street gang or something..... LOL!! When I started to lose all hope Try** came thru Hahahahaha! Last week definitely required "deep breathes". It's super annoying when goals go unreached & this pertains to both worlds. The people that know me know exactly what I'm talking about.
Now with that being said, Rochester I would like to give it another go for next week. I will begin sending out the memo to everyone. Cock-Blocking Player-Haters can NOT stop me, they can only hope to slow me down. The Devil is nothing more than a liar. All antagonists please find a comfortable seat, sit all the way down, and don't get up..... relax.
August Black's Avatar
Glad to hear everything worked out
yes, good for u girl