Melissa Nash

mike1701's Avatar
It's good to see you back Hun.
Thank you, Mike. It's good to be back. One of those family situations that was suppose to have me in Illinois for 4 days, sitting at mom's bedside doing night shift at the hospital (she had surgery) for 4 days. She is doing well and thank you to my friends who have emailed and called with well wishes. When we got her home, it was very obvious that dad would not be able to handle her care alone so my visit extended to 2 weeks.
I would drop everything in my life in a heartbeat for my Mom and Dad but wooooo was I ever ready to get back home to Nashville and I'm pretty sure they were ready to get rid of me and my bossy nursing ways LOL
Although I did get a "rest" from my usual Nashville activities, There wasn't much rest there and no fun at all so I'm really raring to go hahahha

Once again, everyone's kind words and well wishes have not gone unnoticed and is greatly appreciated. When this journey began for me almost 5 yrs ago, I never imagined that I would develop some real friendships. Thank you.

I had no idea you were going through all of this. I'm glad your mother is doing better. Please let me know if you need anything or just want to be treated to a meal or drinks and some fun conversation.

Luv ya girl and welcome back!!!
Thanks Abbey. It's just life. You know there is always something going on but the past month has been a rough one. 4 days before I was to leave for Illinois to help mom, one of my best friends passed away at Vanderbilt hospital so we had to get together the funds to transport his body back to Huntsville where his family is (the family was not able to provide the money). His mom requested I be there for visitation and funeral so in one week I had to drive to Huntsville to bury a best friend then home for 1 day then drive to Illinois for Mom's surgery. Then yesterday my
4 lb dog had routine dental surgery but due to her small size she's had problems with the anesthesia so I've not left her side since yesterday when I brought her home.

WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS. I am taking a break until Monday but I will be available to all on Monday 3/10. I hope to book some fun "private time" with established friends (you know who you are lol) and new friends.