Not My Screw Up This Time

Can't blame that damn newbie this time. When the hell do I leave newbie status anyway? Please ad my review on Teagan to her showcase. Thank you sir, as always. Oh, and if I've done anything wrong, committed any infractions, offended anyone or just need to tone it down, please let me know. Regards.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar

You're fine. I think you'll notice that your status now says Premium Access.

As for assigning reviews, a mod has to have a bit of time set aside to assign reviews. Nearly all of us are mods on several boards - vicinms and I moderate MS, NC, SC, and VA. In addition, I moderate TN, and vic does AL. Getting to the reviews and deciding if they are to be accepted or rejected, along with reading every post on all our boards, has the priority. When we have extra time, we assign the reviews to the providers. That can take longer than you might think - if the lady is not an ECCIE provider, we have to create a profile for her. Even when a lady is an ECCIE VP, some guys don't give us what we need to identify her properly - we need the link to her ECCIE showcase not her personal website or even P411 - without those, we have to search to find her showcase so we assign it to the right lady. I know most of the providers in MS, so that's easy, but for the other states, without the ECCIE link, it's time consuming.

Understand, I'm not whining, or I'd quit being a mod. I just want you to understand that being a moderator can be quite time consuming. And we all have real lives too.

Just sayin.

Got it.