A Matter of Time

Rodneykc's Avatar
A question for the more experienced hobbyist.

When scheduling with a provider that your seeing for the first time, do you think a half hour session is best in case you do not "click" ? For me most providers are new because of my short time in the hobby.

What about 2 or more hour meetings, are these something that is done much?

Ladies, your comments would be welcomed too.
With me you might need the 2 hours..lol
If I was you I would start with 30min and see where it go from there.If you wanna stay longer well stay longer honey.xoxo
2 or more on the first date? Never done that. But 2 or more with ATF almost every time i see her. For first dates, i agree with Kaylen, 30min is probably a good idea, though i admit i often do an hour hoping for msog and, lol, think that's only happened once!
KenMonk's Avatar
I can't stress enough that on the first time never go over 2 hours. If you book 2, so be it, but do your research. I would suggest 30 minutes to an hour. Some ladies will tell you hour or nothing, sometimes thats the price of doing business with an experienced lovely lady with the rep and skill to back up her badassness. Again, do your research.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Some providers want the first session to be 60-90 minutes. Personally, I prefer a 30 minute session to get to know a provider to decide if she is worth spending a full hour with. There have been a few where 30 minutes is quite enough, and a few where all I can think about is how much fun it would be to spend a full hour with them.
Good question. I think that it depends on what type of experience you are after.

I don't schedule shorter sessions and often have 2 hour sessions on a first visit. Those are typically based on a lot of research and particular interest in me.

If I were a hobbyist, I would do a lot of research no matter what my interest.
Personally, I go ahead and book an hour. This only after I research the provider's past reviews and make sure she provides the activities that I'm interested in. I don't feel that 30 minutes is enough time to get a feel of the person or the situation. The most important part, though, is research, research, research.
Misawahawk's Avatar
I've always thought anything more than 30 minutes is a waste of time and money. I used to get the hour and I was in my car way before that. You can always add more time, or get the hour next time. There are some awesome 30 minute deals to be had out there now.
tomcat2102003's Avatar
It really depends on the provider and what I know about them. If it is a local lady with great reviews and I know msog is on the table then I will book an hour. If I am doing recon on bp and can validate the girl is legit, but not sure about the quality of service I will do a half hour or a quickie if it is offered to check things out.
If it's available, I always go with the short session first. Many times, that's all that fits in my schedule. And I've found that if I really do click, and I have the time, many women will be more than happy to allow me to increase the donation and time on the spot. If not, I can always do a longer session later.
nineninanine's Avatar
I'd agree with Kshunter and Tomcat. The only times I've scheduled 2 hours (or more) is when I already know the provider (well) based on previous visits.

Although, when there's jungle gym equipment involved like swings and things!...more time is always a good idea.

Seems the non-GFE ladies like the shorter visits...bang and go. Sometimes the quickies are fun, but you can't beat the true GFE for a full 2 hours. These types of visits are much more satisfying and definitely more memorable.

Personally, I like both, just depends on my mood. A HOT woman is a HOT woman regardless if its 5 minutes or 4 hours.

...anything more than 4 hours is called a wife, and you end up doing the dishes and taking the trash out at some point!...lol!
DallasRain's Avatar
I actually prefer my ninetyminutes....what I offer cannot be truely enjoyed in a shorter amount of time
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Jeez, I normally use the first 30 minutes for foreplay...

Truly, take the time you are comfortable with. Vary the amount of time for a first time and you'll find out what you like.