To all the ladies who've written references but have not received a thank you note

Hey All--
This is specifically for the ladies, but I'm sorry since I don't currently have the Powder Room access so I thought this would be the best place to put it.

Let me say that first off, to those who've written me references after I've sent you requests, you absolutely rock! I really appreciate it, and no matter how long it's been I'm going to do my darndest to send you a thank you note!

I really wish more women sent me reference requests since I'd like to return the favor.

Anyway, I've been working with an assistant who does my screening so I can concentrate on communicating with the hobbyists. While my assistant does say "thank you for any info you can give" in the initial request, he hasn't been in the habit of sending a thank you note afterward. This is my bad-- he made a case that he was trying to limit intrusion, and email static. I knew better but since sometimes when people send me a thank you note, I'm like, "cool" and then just press delete, I thought his reasons made sense.

It's come to my attention in a thread in the main forum that this is heinously bad etiquette since each lovely lady does her own screening and really does put her life and safety in potential peril with each reference she gathers-- so it is only good manners to thank her for not only doing the initial screening and having the information, but being willing to share it.

So, I humbly apologize. Not sending out thank you notes, as paradoxical as it seems, was done with good intentions, but now I see the error of that thinking.

Thank you to all who have sent me references, and I really do hope to thank all of you personally via email. I genuinely feel bad about this and don't want ya'll to think ill of me.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
I trust you have punished the miscreant appropriately for his misdeeds!
oh now I feel bad, been giving / requesting references for the past few years now and I never once sent a thank you note. (why wasn't i sent a memo on this ?! lol) ..then again i don't ever recall receiving one either...? (I DO always say thank you as well along with an invitation to feel free and contact me anytime if a gent uses my name for referencing) ... I don't think anyone thinks of you as rude sweety for not following up with a seperate 'thank u' note (well, i hope not anyway lol)

The fact that you were concerned enough to post this thread though shows that you have mad respect for those that take the time to respond when contacted and keep us all safe as a community. (I like that) I can't stand when providers refuse to give references for whatever shallow / catty reason. Safety is a must and for us to keep the community as respectful and safe as possible for ourselves we need to join together and share and help each other out when we only takes a few minutes out of our busy lives to follow up on a reference request. Thanks for posting this sweety! Hopefully more ladies will see this and realize how important mutual respect amongst providers is and be more prone to take the reply when contacted about screening info.

you're awesome