How do you define trafficking

With the new laws and attention from the media I am struck by how broadly the definitions by various groups differ.

I saw a video recently where a rescue worker basically said if a woman is in the hobby because she could not make this kind of money doing anything else she is a victim. In other words if Jane Doe has a choice between being a waitress or a substitute teacher for $75 a day or providing and chooses to provide that makes her a trafficking victim and the hobbyists basically rapists.

Then I read ladies here who are incensed by the notion that there is something wrong with the choice they have made.

I always had a narrow view. If a woman was not forced or coerced she was not trafficked. But if she were kidnapped or otherwise forcibly confined and made to provide or threatened if she chose not to provide then clearly trafficked.

But as I read stuff from both sides I am beginning to realize there is a gray area that may actually be very large where it may be difficult to say.

A lady in say Korea decides to come to America and work in an AMP knowing what will be doing because she can make more money this way than she could ever make staying in Korea for most of the media is being trafficked. In my definition over the years she was not trafficked unless someone forced her to leave her country. In other words for me it comes down to whether she had a choice.

A woman kidnapped and forced to service a pimp's customers is clearly trafficked. But the media would say a young lady who looks around and chooses to provide because nothing else available to her would allow her to make $300 an hour is also being trafficked. I find that hard to accept.

Curious to hear from both hobbyist and providers.
How do you define trafficking?
Any providers who were initially forced in to the hobby are now free from those who forced them in to this life still choose to participate because no other way she could make this kind of money. Would you still consider that lady trafficked even though at this point she could leave the industry any time.

I remember talking to one lady who said she would like to quit doing this. She even had a boyfriend who wanted her to marry him and quit working. I asked her why not just quit then. She immediately responded nothing else I could do would make me this kind of money and I like money. Media would say she was trafficked. I would say no. But all the stuff I am reading and seeing on the news is making the lines ever more blurry.
The true definition of trafficking is someone else making a profit off of the providers actions. Not sure if I agree with the notion because of things like amp houses that get house fees, that shouldn’t be trafficking in my book.

To me, that title should be left to situations where ladies are forced by another individual, individuals, or entities to perform sex acts for money.

That behavior is disgusting, should be cracked down on to equally include the scumbag that is paying for it.

Some women FEEL that they have to for other reasons. I’m can’t I really judge that, im not them.

What pisses me off about government and media is, there are TONS of ladies that choose it because they like doing it for the money they make. And a percentage of those ladies sometimes actually enjoy the sex they are getting along with the cash.
cowboyesfan's Avatar
The true definition of trafficking is someone else making a profit off of the providers actions. Not sure if I agree with the notion because of things like amp houses that get house fees, that shouldn’t be trafficking in my book.
Originally Posted by pistol shot
Legal definition of trafficking is commercial sex induced by force, fraud, or coercion.
You can be charged for trafficking if you are profiting off of it even if it’s not through the use any of those descriptors.
mtabsw's Avatar
FYI - According to the information given out by the Ft Worth PD Human Trafficing team - prostitution is not trafficing no matter what - i.e. pimped, threatened etc, if the woman/man is of legal age and legally in this country.

ALSO - Human Trafficing applies to forced labor of any kind, not just sex work.
Thanks for the opinions and information so far. It is helping me clarify things in my head which is a really confusing place to hang out. LOL.