Providers with civvie careers who choose to enter/stay in the hobby?

I guess the most popular story would be you entered the hobby for financial support, then later you got a civvie job/career, or you already had a job and you got into the hobby to supplement your income ...then there's the few who got in the hobby just for the thrills & adventure ...boost your intimate life, explore your sexuality, whatever ...and maybe it's more than just a few, as I am starting to see more & more women loving the power of it and 'owning' it

In any of the cases above, what keeps you hooked? In this lifestyle?

If you're not financially dependent, then why are you still here?

Do you just love the attention?

Do you get treated better, feel more noticed by men? Are men here just better than who you meet out there?

Do you enjoy the feeling of being needed, wanted, desired you just don't get in the civvie world?

Is there something lacking in your civvie life that this lifestyle helps fulfill?

Or has it just ...become a part of you, who you are, your identity, not something you can just leave
Eccie Addict's Avatar
What's your answer?
[QUOTE=Zabrina Sarafina;1053227662]
I guess the most popular story would be you entered the hobby for financial support, then later you got a civvie job/career, or you already had a job and you got into the hobby to supplement your income ...then there's the few who got in the hobby just for the thrills & adventure ...boost your intimate life, explore your sexuality, whatever ...and maybe it's more than just a few, as I am starting to see more & more women loving the power of it and 'owning' it

In any of the cases above, what keeps you hooked? In this lifestyle?
Financially Stable, Independent.

If you're not financially dependent, then why are you still here?

Do you just love the attention?
Reasonable amount of attention as I deserved
But not always!

Do you get treated better, feel more noticed by men? Are men here just better than who you meet out there?
Certain type of men treating me well and talk to me nicely. I have not look at the real world relationship.

Do you enjoy the feeling of being needed, wanted, desired you just don't get in the civvie world?
all the above!

Is there something lacking in your civvie life that this lifestyle helps fulfill?

Or has it just ...become a part of you, who you are, your identity, not something you can just leave

Can't leave at this moment in time. I'm alone and lonely sometime. It's a part of what I have to do but It is not my identity. It doesn't consume and my soul .I got plan for my future. I have been planning.
pyramider's Avatar
Most probably like the fast cash for supplementing their real life income. Plus, how else would they get their taint tickled, get their kitty chewed properly, and enjoy the action of my 1.3" of dangling death?
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
Do you just love the attention? Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina

Sure, but I'm not in it for the attention.

Do you get treated better, feel more noticed by men?
It's about the same here as it is in the vanilla world. That's not why I'm in it either.

Are men here just better than who you meet out there?
I get a mix, much like I do out there. I think we are more likely to encounter more unsavory folks in this line of work, but I have met some really great people as well.

Do you enjoy the feeling of being needed, wanted, desired you just don't get in the civvie world?
I enjoy that, of course, but that's not the motivation really.

Is there something lacking in your civvie life that this lifestyle helps fulfill?
Yes. It's naughty. It's socially unacceptable. It's scandalous. I like that.

Or has it just ...become a part of you, who you are, your identity, not something you can just leave
I wouldn't say it identifies me. It's more like an extension of me, an option. I love my vanilla life and my work. This is how I spice it up. It's how I misbehave.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Not to rain on your parade, but has anyone ever reviewed you? You know I love you Zabrina but I'm starting to think this is all a big psychology project/book project.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Simple enough answer to that question, JL.

Have you sent your references yet?
RochBob's Avatar
At this point I would say that in my area of the Country. A number of Providers are doing it to supplement their Civie Job income. Either they were into Providing before they got their job and don't want to walk completely away from the life (Sex & Money) and keep a few of their Regulars. Or they may have lost the Job they had due to the Economy the last few Years and the one they have now doesn't pay as well (let's be honest $9.00 -12.00 an hour doesn't leave a lot left over after paying for the basics (Housing, Food, Transportation, Utilities, Taxes) if you happen to be on a Single income. There are also several Major College's in the area and I see ads for a couple of Providers that only seem to pop up during the College breaks. So they must be Students looking to generate income while in school (Sorry Acedemia, but your Tuition costs are driving them to it).
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Simple enough answer to that question, JL.

Have you sent your references yet? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Well, no, because I don't ever go to Chicago.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Simple enough answer to that question, JL.

Have you sent your references yet? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
She isn't even listed as a provider on this site. So, has anyone had a date with her, and can they confirm she is a provider and is the girl in the picture? I'm suspecting we might have been duped, but I love her website pictures and her posts, so I don't care. She is fun to have around, I'm just curious.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Well, no, because I don't ever go to Chicago. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
She says she will travel to you. And she even started a thread about how to handle the financial part.

C'mon. Review Special?
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
She says she will travel to you. And she even started a thread about how to handle the financial part.

C'mon. Review Special? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
The thread wasn't about her coming to see anyone, she asked about Preferred method of securing a deposit for 'Fly me to you' dates

she wasn't talking about herself, it was just a in general question,

She may or may not be a real provider, but she has one of the best looking websites, could can the music on every page.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
The thread wasn't about her coming to see anyone ... she wasn't talking about herself, it was just a in general question ... Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
From her website: My name is Zabrina and I am a young woman living & based in Chicago, IL and am available for travel anywhere in the U.S to meet you
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
From her website: My name is Zabrina and I am a young woman living & based in Chicago, IL and am available for travel anywhere in the U.S to meet you Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
You do realize you were talking about a thread she started here not what she has on her website...two different things
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
for those who are wondering Zabrina does have reviews on TER