Would you participate? -- Providers and Hobbyist

I had an idea in my head that I'm sure someone else has already thought about doing but I'm an event coordinator and thought this would be super cool to organize!

If I hosted a hobby auction would you participate? Obviously the auction would be held to the utmost discretion.
It would include:

-Cocktail dinner
-Open bar
-The hottest providers in New Orleans (highest bidder getting a "date" with his chosen provider.)
-No fee to participate

What do you think?
Outdoorsman's Avatar
If it can be shown that the funds will go to charity, which would take a lot of trust, which in reality this hobby is not filled with mutual trust (reason for this board). I cannot see attending and bidding on dinner date when I already can chose the lady I want. By going to an auction I risk paying more for the date than regular prices or risk not getting the date with her at all if prices go too high for me. Really cannot see any hobbyiest ever paying more than regular prices, why should he? when all he has to do is wait and contact her tomorrow for regular price. Now if prices were cheaper which than my fear would be not getting great service and the lady might feel she undersold herself.

So, if the auction had a theme, Ladies thanking the cleintele for years of play, and patronage, so prices are cheaper may work. Notice I only say MAY. Or if all the proceeds went to Children's hospital or some other good cause both ladies and men may do a good deed by paying higher prices for the men and giving a date without compensation by the ladies. That one you will have a very hard time pulling off, as I think most people would not trust that the proceeds are going to where you claim they are. No mutual trust.

I do not see it working, just me.
pornodave69's Avatar
I don't think it would work. An auction would either just drive up the rate of a provider or lower the rate. Why bid over a lady's regular rate? And what lady would want to provide her services if the bids are below her going rate?
It also opens the door for people's ego's to be bruised. If your regular rate is "A", but you get offered "A" - 100, then you may feel some kind of way about that. No good.

Also...how would you be able to satisfy the screening requirements of each lady? That would definitely be a roadblock IMO.
I thought I had a great idea going as far as a social gathering. But all of you have brought up valid points! I have been wanting to host a hobby related event for awhile now!

I have gotten a lot of pms of spin offs of my original idea so I might research and get back to this thread.
an idea I could think of would be:

Providers host a social
Men pay entrence fee (would be lower than a normal provider rate for a long evening)
the providers split all th emoney evenly, but they must all entertain at least one gentlemen during the night.

the pros would be it would allow the ladies to socialize with men they may not be familar with and they may hit it off and find new loyal clients. for the men it would allow them to meet these ladies and get a feel for who they like at a much lower rate.

the cons:
if a lot of males show up, most would end up paying for chatting and drinks, but no services.
some girls may be inclined to provide for multiple males while others may not, so the even slipt may not seem fair
if not many men show up, then the split pot would be lower than what the ladies would have liked

i feel like the cons probably outweigh the pros for the ladies, so I don't see this working out

outside of a strictly meet and greet to help people get to know each other and find complementive personalites, i feel like this would never work

I would whore myself out for a $250$ cashiers check made out to St. Jude's children's hospital that I saw mailed!!!!!

Since I've lost one child to cancer and have had extensive surgeries due to ovarian cancer...I would!

Two conditions! Cashiers check only! No cancelling that! And pre-made out to St. Jude's!
Id like it if the check were greater!!!!
pornodave69's Avatar
Miss J,

Things are tight on my end at the moment, but if this scenario happens and I have the money at that time I'd jump on that offer (and you!) In a heartbeat!



I would whore myself out for a $250$ cashiers check made out to St. Jude's children's hospital that I saw mailed!!!!!

Since I've lost one child to cancer and have had extensive surgeries due to ovarian cancer...I would!

Two conditions! Cashiers check only! No cancelling that! And pre-made out to St. Jude's! Originally Posted by Miss J
How ridiculous! I've been lurking here for a while and am now overwhelmed with urgency to comment on how UTTERLY RIDICULOUS.

Miss j seems to be keen on the idea. Perhaps YOU can set up an eBay auction and route the proceed directly to St Jude. I'm sure they would welcome the funding. So sorry to hear about the death of your child. I only have one and would be destroyed if I were faced with that diagnosis.
Wiley64's Avatar
I like you more n more every day Miss J. I'm a St. Jude Partner in Hope and would not hesitate to send more.
BTW I'm sorry to hear about your loss.


I would whore myself out for a $250$ cashiers check made out to St. Jude's children's hospital that I saw mailed!!!!!

Since I've lost one child to cancer and have had extensive surgeries due to ovarian cancer...I would!

Two conditions! Cashiers check only! No cancelling that! And pre-made out to St. Jude's! Originally Posted by Miss J