Lets say I meet a perfect gal for me. We starting dating and she asks, "how many girls have you had sex with?"
Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Unless the "perfect gal" has the maturity level of a 10th grader I simply cannot imagine this topic arising. But if it does, realize that this is not a question that is asked so that you can tell her the truth; it's a test to see if you will tell her what she wants to hear, which (in case you don't already know) is that you're a high-value, desirable male who is attractive enough to pull a lot of tail, but that you possess discriminating taste in the opposite sex and only sleep with high-value females (i.e. her).
Be coy, give a fairly low, approximate guess, perhaps throw in something about the errors of your youth, but how you've grown to appreciate intimacy and "real connection" and move on. Problem solved.