Newsweek Joe Biden, Who Touted Unity, Says He Doesn't Know If Republican Party Will Exist in 2024

  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2021, 01:36 PM

Border sheriff: It is Biden’s fault

Biden can't tell the truth about Trump's tax cuts

President Joe Biden asserted that he plans to run for reelection in 2024, while also questioning whether the Republican Party will still exist at that time.
© JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images President Joe Biden answers a question during his first press briefing in the East Room of the White House in Washington, D.C. on March 25 "Yes, my plan is to run for reelection. That's my expectation," Biden said during a Thursday press conference. He was responding to a reporter's question about why he had not yet set up a reelection campaign, as former President Donald Trump had already done by this point in his presidency.

Current Time 0:07

Duration 1:15
Biden Taps Kamala Harris To Lead Efforts To Tackle U.S.-Mexico Border Challenges

Later, Biden was asked if he expected to be running against Trump in the next election.
"Oh, come on. I don't even think about—I have no idea. I have no idea if there will be a Republican Party. Do you?" Biden asked in response.

Comment - My, My - One honest statement from teh lyin' fiden.

the DPST radical marxist clearlyhvae plans for the Destruction of teh republican party, all conservatives - and 100 millions and more in AOPC's re-education concentration camps.

They make their plans for radical marxist domination and subjugation of Amemica into teh United soviet Socialist states of amerika!!!

they are not shy - including duckworth and hirono - about their racism, and plans to re-allocate all wealth to their own hands.

Criminals - One and all!
rexdutchman's Avatar
One party systems a coming ,,,,,,,,,,Like NY city and commoos
That would certainly be the dipshit's party wet dream, bye bye democracy, screw the Constitution ..... because as I stated in another thread, exactly what part of a democracy is a one party rule? .....
Little Monster's Avatar
One party systems a coming ,,,,,,,,,,Like NY city and commoos Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Oh no, don't worry conservatards are the masters of voter suppression in order to win. Y'all aren't going anywhere, you will just keep changing the rules.

One could only wish that the Repugnican party would just disintegrate.
  • oeb11
  • 03-26-2021, 10:56 AM
Please do not feed Trolls
laugh at them
Oh no, don't worry conservatards are the masters of voter suppression in order to win. Y'all aren't going anywhere, you will just keep changing the rules.

One could only wish that the Repugnican party would just disintegrate. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Not to be a "whataboutist" about it, but voting shenanigans has been part & parcel of this country since its foundation. Hell, "Gerrymandering" is named after former Vice President Elbridge Gerry, who in 1812 redrew the Massachusetts state senate election districts during his governorship of the state.

Both parties have their sins:

Republicans pull shit like restricting voting days and voting hours.

Dems pull shit like dead people voting, eliminating voter ID and/or letting immigrants vote.

Historically we had shit like you had to be a landowner to vote, or you had to pay a tax, or you had to take a reading test.

I think the best way forward is fairly simple:

Mandatory Voter ID by state ID. (the idea of separate voter ID cards is dumb).

Mandatory annual voter roll purges. That way people who have moved or died can be stricken.

Those two things alone should help keep the fraud to a minimum.
Oh no, don't worry conservatards are the masters of voter suppression in order to win. Y'all aren't going anywhere, you will just keep changing the rules.

One could only wish that the Repugnican party would just disintegrate. Originally Posted by Little Monster
If you knew what you were talking about you would realize it's the Democrats that keep changing the rule. Nothing they do is for anyones benefit but theirs.
Little Monster's Avatar
If you knew what you were talking about you would realize it's the Democrats that keep changing the rule. Nothing they do is for anyones benefit but theirs. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Democrats aren't the ones changing the rules in Georgia now are they?? That's just one example
Little Monster's Avatar
Not to be a "whataboutist" about it, but voting shenanigans has been part & parcel of this country since its foundation. Hell, "Gerrymandering" is named after former Vice President Elbridge Gerry, who in 1812 redrew the Massachusetts state senate election districts during his governorship of the state.

Both parties have their sins:

Republicans pull shit like restricting voting days and voting hours.

Dems pull shit like dead people voting, eliminating voter ID and/or letting immigrants vote.

Historically we had shit like you had to be a landowner to vote, or you had to pay a tax, or you had to take a reading test.

I think the best way forward is fairly simple:

Mandatory Voter ID by state ID. (the idea of separate voter ID cards is dumb).

Mandatory annual voter roll purges. That way people who have moved or died can be stricken.

Those two things alone should help keep the fraud to a minimum. Originally Posted by GastonGlock

Honestly I agree with this post. I have never had a problem showing my ID when I vote, and it should be mandatory.

Well said GG.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-26-2021, 11:59 AM
Not to be a "whataboutist" about it, but voting shenanigans has been part & parcel of this country since its foundation. Hell, "Gerrymandering" is named after former Vice President Elbridge Gerry, who in 1812 redrew the Massachusetts state senate election districts during his governorship of the state.

Both parties have their sins:

Republicans pull shit like restricting voting days and voting hours.

Dems pull shit like dead people voting, eliminating voter ID and/or letting immigrants vote.

Historically we had shit like you had to be a landowner to vote, or you had to pay a tax, or you had to take a reading test.

I think the best way forward is fairly simple:

Mandatory Voter ID by state ID. (the idea of separate voter ID cards is dumb).

Mandatory annual voter roll purges. That way people who have moved or died can be stricken.

Those two things alone should help keep the fraud to a minimum. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
I think all Americans should be injected with a chip.. you can't vote without it. Any legal American can get one for free.

Polls should be open up a month before the election so anyone with a Chip can vote.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-26-2021, 12:02 PM
Honestly I agree with this post. I have never had a problem showing my ID when I vote, and it should be mandatory.

Well said GG.
Originally Posted by Little Monster
Do you know how hard they have made it in Texas to get a lost ID?....and it is not free....which amounts to a poll tax.
Democrats aren't the ones changing the rules in Georgia now are they?? That's just one example Originally Posted by Little Monster
Georgia is a Southern State there are no rules.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-26-2021, 12:25 PM
Georgia is a Southern State there are no rules. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Georgia had THREE recounts...little to no fraud, yet the Republicans in the state want to make it more difficult to vote.

Could it be because they just lost bother Senate races to Democrats?
I'm actually with Biden on this one. The GOP is a poisoned brand and it needs to cease to exist, so asshats like The Lincoln Project and the RINO's in Congress have to become full-blown Democrats to remain relevant nationally. No more "controlled opposition" parties.
I'm actually with Biden on this one. The GOP is a poisoned brand and it needs to cease to exist, so asshats like The Lincoln Project and the RINO's in Congress have to become full-blown Democrats to remain relevant nationally. No more "controlled opposition" parties. Originally Posted by SecretE
Then its whoever cheats best will win and will continue to win. Issues, policy, and laws won't matter.