New Video Footage Shows Trump Assassin Clearly Visible From Trumps Podium. How Could Secret Service Miss This? Obviously An Inside Job.

HoHound's Avatar
... It certainly looks that way. ... The FBI's Secret Service
surely seem to take their slow sweet time addressing the potential
threat in the situation there.

#### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar Originally Posted by HoHound
1. Evidence so far indicates the shooter acted alone.

2. There was a sweep of the building by secret service where the shooter shot from about an hour before Trump started speaking.

3. The shooter was deemed suspicious and text message was sent by local LE to secret service at 5:38 pm (CST).

4. The shooter got on the roof around 5:55 PM (CST). Butler police locked eyes on the shooter around 6:05 PM, but had to retreat. He could not get to his revolver since both his hands were on the ledge of the roof.

5. Shooter started shooting aprox 6:10 PM. Trump had started speaking at 6:00 PM. The counter snipers that were behind Trump were covering at 360 degrees angle. Probably did not see the shooter until he started shooting. The shooter was not on the roof for a long period of time.

6. Because of the above events supported by the link below, I believe the shooter acted a lone. The operations plan by Secret Service had one flaw. They did not plan for constant monitoring of the roof where the shooter shot from.
Michael8219's Avatar
Sent text. What a crock! Normal protocol is to have all security with radios and/or using ear pieces on the same channel. Local law wasn’t even given the radio channel to use on their radios. In the immoral words of the lefttards’ dead or dying leader: C’mon man! This reeks of a huge lapse in security or worse.

And this was the first time in 2 or 3 years that they gave Trump anti-sniper teams. He didn’t have them for his Brooklyn rally or during the sham NY trial.

Team had not worked together and secret service did not have briefing with local law enforcement that morning.

Wake up!
adav8s28's Avatar
This reeks of a huge lapse in security or worse.

Team had not worked together and secret service did not have briefing with local law enforcement that morning.
Originally Posted by Michael8219
If the Secret Service were working with the shooter, then why did they make a sweep of the roof one hour before Trump started to speak?

The major flaw was that the Secret Service Operations plan did not plan for constant monitoring of the roof where the shooter shot from.
TechPapi's Avatar
If by "inside job" the OP means that the GOP let a GOP member shoot at their hero, yeah. Guess it was.

Almost funny - the MAGAtards keep talking about shooting sex predators. One of them finally does, and they get upset. Go figure.
Disregarding the ridiculous post #6, it is obvious that the ball was dropped in this entire affair, and by more than one person, or agency for that matter.

If the Secret service and FBI wish to regain any sibilance of respect, they need to come clean and get to the bottom of things.
Inside job? Not likely. When nothing goes wrong for long periods of time people get complacent. It’s just human nature. Besides that, the target of the shooter was a person who urged his supporters to attack the police a few years ago. Maybe that subconsciously increased the complacency among some of the security team members.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Inside job? Not likely. When nothing goes wrong for long periods of time people get complacent. It’s just human nature. Besides that, the target of the shooter was a person who urged his supporters to attack the police a few years ago. Maybe that subconsciously increased the complacency among some of the security team members. Originally Posted by EdBeaver
Are you saying that the police hate Trump (insane criminal and demagogue) more than Kamala Harris (Lawful Former Prosecutor)? How Ironic, and Apt.
Inside job? Not likely. When nothing goes wrong for long periods of time people get complacent. It’s just human nature. Besides that, the target of the shooter was a person who urged his supporters to attack the police a few years ago. Maybe that subconsciously increased the complacency among some of the security team members. Originally Posted by EdBeaver
Good point.

These people have learned It’s not a great leap from looting businesses and torching police stations and getting away with it, (with Kamala’s blessing), and taking a shot at a major Presidential Candidate.
adav8s28's Avatar
Inside job? Not likely. When nothing goes wrong for long periods of time people get complacent. It’s just human nature. Besides that, the target of the shooter was a person who urged his supporters to attack the police a few years ago. Maybe that subconsciously increased the complacency among some of the security team members. Originally Posted by EdBeaver
The new acting Director of the Secret Service has stated that:

1. radio communications between the SS and local LE agencies needs to be improved. Apparently the SS did not have one of the channels that local LE was using.

2. The SS will use their own drone for all future outside events that they are working.

3. A task force has been formed to see if any policy mistakes were made by the people who set up and approved the SS operations plan for the Trump rally. Employee's who made mistakes will be held accountable.

Don't know about the complacent thing.

A. Security inside the defined perimeter was pretty tight. The agents jumped very quickly on Trump once shots were fired.

B. There wasn't a formal walk thru between SS and local law enforcement the day of the rally.

C. The building that the shooter was on the roof did have a security sweep one hour before Trump started to speak. The SS did not have a plan to have that building to be under constant monitoring. Local LE counter snipers were in building number two on the second floor, but there role was watch the crowd, not monitor the roof where the shooter was.
An campaigning ex-president doesn't get the most experienced detail, probably got the b or c team. Kamala would get a higher level detail than trump even before she was running for president.

If it was an inside job, the job isn't done.
An campaigning ex-president doesn't get the most experienced detail, probably got the b or c team. Kamala would get a higher level detail than trump even before she was running for president.

If it was an inside job, the job isn't done. Originally Posted by royamcr
... Are YOU asking for another assassination attempt?

Several people shot, one person KILLED - and you want more??

#### Salty
I'm not the one claiming this is an inside job. No the orange fuckup needs to be beaten at the ballot box to shut the magats up hopefully for good. Court cases will continue and trump will be done forever.
... It certainly looks that way. ... The FBI's Secret Service
surely seem to take their slow sweet time addressing the potential
threat in the situation there.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
FBI has nothing to do with the Secret Service. That video says nothing about what the SS could see from their vantage point. It was a matter of 3 or 4 seconds of exposure when moving 200 yards away. The closest sniper had their view blocked by a tree. The further away snipers were looking the other way to the left side of the crowd.

A lot went wrong here, communication break down mostly. The cop that peaked up on the roof and saw him should have at a minimum fired his weapon as soon as he could. Not at the shooter but just as a signal. The SS would have tackled trump before the shooter had a chance and it would have alerted the rooftop snipers where to look.