Featured ECCIE Showcases - Hitting the Trifecta...or Even the Quadfecta (is this really a word???)

Does anyone else really look at the locations of the ladies in the Featured ECCIE Showcase?

Occasionally, I notice that all 4 ladies are from the same city. (Dallas and Austin feature prominently in this respect.)

More often, I find that 3 out of the 4 ladies are from the same city.

Is the showcase a random pick? Are these cities represented multiple times from the sheer number of ladies from those cities? Does anyone care?
I look at them sometimes if the picture intrigues me. I would bet that the girls look at them more than the guys... Maybe.
1)Yes, Its the first thing I do when I visit the site..

2)Yes, I think so..

3)Yes, I think so..
  • Eccie Nation Providers totaled excluding Texas - 1435
  • Austin and Dallas providers totaled - 1187
  • Rest of Texas - 669
marginal error +/- 20

4)Yes, I do.. I need to visit Texas more often!!
Still Looking's Avatar
I click on them all the time!
I look at them sometimes if the picture intrigues me. Originally Posted by Shayla
That's how I am. Usually there's one of all of them that just begs to be clicked.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-17-2011, 10:59 PM
Does anyone else really look at the locations of the ladies in the Featured ECCIE Showcase?

Occasionally, I notice that all 4 ladies are from the same city. (Dallas and Austin feature prominently in this respect.)

More often, I find that 3 out of the 4 ladies are from the same city.

Is the showcase a random pick? Are these cities represented multiple times from the sheer number of ladies from those cities? Does anyone care? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
As far as I know, yes it is random.