Dinner, dessert are on ...

hookem69horns's Avatar
A hot, sexy, naked lady!

Ok. Not sure where this actually belongs, guess it depends on your view but ... I was day dreaming during a meeting today and my mind found a happy place ... I remembered seeing this super hot scene in an adult movie wherein there were 6-8 people (3-3 or 4-4 guys-girls) sitting at this dinner table, and laying on top of the table is this sexy, hot and very naked lady, covered with all kinds of fresh fruits and other dessert type stuff ... then the guests just started enjoying dessert, right off her body ... and when the actual dessert was gone, they enjoyed licking all of the remaining juices, syrup and creams off of her body, and ... well, you know she remained the center of attention!

Anybody else think that is sexy?
daty/o's Avatar
Just saw something similar on Dallas' post:

hookem69horns's Avatar
I wondered why this wasn't getting more views ...