hotrix1's Avatar
This whole thing will go better for you if you just quit trying to cover for your mistakes and just do your job...

Just sayin'... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Quit trying to cover up for rrabbit's lapse of character and good judgement CP. Let's not forget what HAPPENED on his watch. And retroactive damage control is just plain punitive.

If I was assessed points for unnecessary rudeness with what you consider a "flame war" with Botemanyeti(if he's even real, have you checked?), He should be assessed the same damn points for the use of profanity. Matter of fact, should you look into it far enough, you'll find that he initiated the use of profanity. And as St. C quite clearly wrote on the subject, this is not church. Not even a church of pussy, it's a hooker board. Moreover, it's OBJECTIVE is to allow members to make choices without wading thru all the hype and hoopla. Much like the ones associated with the hooker in limbo, because someone takes it upon themselves to engage in shameless self-promotion by way of deceptive reviews and threADS from "hobbyists" of suspect origin and credibility., using illegal accounts, conspiracy and collussion to gain an unfair advantage. And it happened under RRabbit's watch.

So what are we going to do about that part of the drama? And you expected the rest of us to take that lying down and "drink the kool-aid"?

All this could have been avoided weeks ago had someone shown a backbone and some leadership to quit trying to cover up the lapses of judgement for a fellow MOD and investigated the truth of the likes of BOTEMANYETI, WonTu888, guys that appeared out of nowhere and have no history but took over the Panhandle forum by the sheer volume of their threADS and post/thread bumping and whoring. We would have held off our storming the gates of the estabslishment. You, I have to say again, raised the alarm on the activity in the first place. And of all people, YOU should have taken steps then to prevent it from escalating then when it was manageable. Why didn't you? YOU knew the natives were getting restless, and YOU heard the increasing drumbeats. Did rrabbit tell YOU to keep your mitts off of his girl's shit?

Then you come back from your crusade for personal pussy to see the natives in full revolt. What did you expect? So you declare martial law? It's nothing personal Cpal, never was. It's all about the pussy. The pussy with multiple colored tats with multiple identities, having a pussy capable of remote controlling her multiple minions she put under a spell of herpussy, gaining the protection of another pussy to keep peddling her own pussy in the manner her pussywhipped whiteknight so dick-tated. So you see, it's all about the pussy. And no matter how good that pussy is, pussy shouldn't be dick-tating, thru her mindless fanboys, who the hobbyists choose to promote by knocking their choices when mentioned on the forum for not choosing her pussy.

Is it starting to get clearer now Cpal? We buy the pussy, pussy doesn't buy us. At least that's how it should be, don't you think? Anyone willing to sell out his manhood for pussy is a pussy and should be treated as such. Specially if he decides to turn his man-card in and play hide 'n seek in the men's lounge so he can divulge info to his preferred pussy. This pussy is the worst kind of pussy because it's a hybrid pussy. Being half a rat and a pussy, it has to overcompensate for itself, being a hybrid, and has to keep his mistress' pussy happy by keeping her fed by increasing the volume of her promotions. Otherwise he get's no pussy. Get it? So when this pussy's preferred pussy gets slammed with a ban for not following the rules or if you prefer guidelines(really doesn't make a difference), what does he do? He goes into damage control mode to protect his pussy, which you facilitated and aided. Which makes you complicit in the sense that you shielded the guilty pussy and his pussy from public shaming for their misconduct. That's called aiding and abetting the enemy. Which team do you root for?

That's what bring us here. So, Cpal, where do you stand with the issue of these current events? Moving forward, are we going to have to deal with it again because while the natives have calmed down in the meantime, Painted Pussy's impending return gives her full reach across the realm again, before fully having been made responsible for her misconduct. We still suspect the veracity of some of her reviews from some incredibly transparent "hobbyist" writing them for her promotion. Will there be any further investigation of these allegations? Or will you continue to say "let them eat cake"?

I'm just saying Cpal, never was personal, never will be unless someone decide to take it there. It's all about THE PUSSY. And it always will be.
dearhunter's Avatar
You are misreading the tea leaves.

There is no guideline preventing threADs. ThreADs are allowed. Calling out threADs is also allowed.

If a WK wants to post a threAD for VI, he is allowed to do so. If you want to deride him for it within the guidelines, you are allowed to do so.

GL #1 is what most modtards mistakenly use to address "drama" and trolls. The key to GL#1 is "unprovoked". A threAD is deemed to be provocation for a rude response. It isn't that the modtards in Houston & Dallas like it any more than CP does. It is simply that they have had their modtard hands slapped enough times to adhere to the Owners' vision..........most of the time.

Your area modtards should not choose sides in the matter. When your area modtard chose VI's side, he did so as the Owner's representative. When he did that, he was out on the ledge all alone.

Most modtards cannot function out on the ledge alone. They pray that modtardville will join them out on the ledge.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Jeebers, but Ho-Tricks is long-winded.
hotrix1's Avatar
Jeebers, but Ho-Tricks is long-winded. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
.....it's called intellectual stamina. LOL
I do tend to explain in painfully explicit detail though. Got that.
Common problem for foreign service member's kids educated by a private Catholic School system requiring a minimum length essay treatise. Leaves no room for doubt on the subject topic. Having it beat into my thick skull by the penguins has a long lasting effect.

I beg your pardon Chi'boy.

You are misreading the tea leaves.

There is no guideline preventing threADs. ThreADs are allowed. Calling out threADs is also allowed.

If a WK wants to post a threAD for VI, he is allowed to do so. If you want to deride him for it within the guidelines, you are allowed to do so.

GL #1 is what most modtards mistakenly use to address "drama" and trolls. The key to GL#1 is "unprovoked". A threAD is deemed to be provocation for a rude response. It isn't that the modtards in Houston & Dallas like it any more than CP does. It is simply that they have had their modtard hands slapped enough times to adhere to the Owners' vision..........most of the time.

Your area modtards should not choose sides in the matter. When your area modtard chose VI's side, he did so as the Owner's representative. When he did that, he was out on the ledge all alone.
Originally Posted by dearhunter
Dearhunter, no misread, if I may clarify. Just expounding on the neglect and resulting power grab after the fact. Referring to the fact of the subject of the topic still being "Pussy" in all of it's shapes and forms. This being a "hooker board" and all. Pussy is the primary reason for our being here. And reminding the members to hold their own piece or lose it to the power of the Pussy. Or giving it up voluntarily.

We already know that the threADS are allowed but the enforcement has been spotty and closures are implemented after the tide turns against the OP of the threADS in the name of drama prevention. Favoritism for the provider in question? I think so, but then that's just my opinion. What do you think dear?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Jeebers, but Ho-Tricks is long-winded. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I do tend to explain in painfully explicit detail though. Got that.
Common problem for foreign service member's kids educated by a private Catholic School system requiring a minimum length essay treatise. Leaves no room for doubt on the subject topic. Having it beat into my thick skull by the penguins has a long lasting effect.

I beg your pardon Chi'boy. Originally Posted by hotrix1
Don't blame the nuns for your failings.

hotrix1's Avatar
Don't blame the nuns for your failings.

Originally Posted by chicagoboy
It's one of the few things that give me nightmares that women do. LMAO. I know my failings all too well, but old bad habits die HARD . Get it?
Good one Chi', now I can't sleep with the lights out. LOL
Now where's my blankie? dammit
dearhunter's Avatar
Stepping in to "save" a side in drama on the open board is one of the easiest traps for a modtard to fall into.....especially if one side is taking it on the chin.

The problem with that is there is no closure to the conversation. It grows until it becomes something more. Then, the modtard puffs out his chest and bloviates about how he is just doing his job.........when, he is part of the reason the issue exists.

Someone here made a comment that gman is a great modtard by comparison to the other two........there is your sign.......ijs
hotrix1's Avatar
Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Yus wantin to tok bout dem grammar nazis, trah dem penguins. Dey sho nuff sho yu whut be'in a grammar nazi be all bout fo sho. LOL.
Dem nuns dont pley preshus.
hotrix1's Avatar
Stepping in to "save" a side in drama on the open board is one of the easiest traps for a modtard to fall into.....especially if one side is taking it on the chin.
.....No reason to be name-calling here, cause it sure sounded like you called someone Major or Capt. Save-a-hoe. Now that wasn't necessary, was it?
The problem with that is there is no closure to the conversation. It grows until it becomes something more. Then, the modtard puffs out his chest and bloviates about how he is just doing his job.........when, he is part of the reason the issue exists.
Now, bloviates after he puffs up his chest? Man, that's cold. Cause isn't that like calling the man a BLOWHARD? Now that's not very nice.
Someone here made a comment that gman is a great modtard by comparison to the other two........there is your sign.......ijs
We do wish gman would actually put in his dime instead of 2 cents. Because the other 2 couldn't come up with their own 2 cents to rub between them. Originally Posted by dearhunter
And STOP with the name-calling dear, you know they don't like that and could shut my thread down cause you called someone NAMES. You know we wouldn't want that, would we? hmm? ROFLMFAO
PCHobbyist's Avatar
Yus wantin to tok bout dem grammar nazis, trah dem penguins. Dey sho nuff sho yu whut be'in a grammar nazi be all bout fo sho. LOL.
Dem nuns dont pley preshus. Originally Posted by hotrix1
Haha Hotrix. Back in my day the Penguins really did use the ruler and it wasn't to measure your dick. I still have scars on my knuckles to prove it.
Thanks a lot man; now I'm going to have nightmares and flashbacks as well.
hotrix1's Avatar
Haha Hotrix. Back in my day the Penguins really did use the ruler and it wasn't to measure your dick. I still have scars on my knuckles to prove it.
Thanks a lot man; now I'm going to have nightmares and flashbacks as well. Originally Posted by PCHobbyist
Dem penguins meen ass hell, yu cros da lahn wunce an dey let yu hav it big tahm. No jowk, no suh. unhunh. Let yu hav it gud tu. mah ass puker evry tahm I tink bout dat rooler comin doun on mah ass. hoowee. Mek yu lurn dam gud dough, yus ain't gow'n fuggit nuttin afta dat bin beet inta yo ass. Dats how dey teeches yu de grammar preshus b. an' chi'boy.
an' hwa ah raht long ass peypurs tu. Yu downt fuggit dat.

Damn "HARD" HABIT to break. Honestly though man, because one of them penguins was really a sweet and pretty young nun I had wet dreams about as a kid.
How's that for a nightmare? Am I going to hell?LOL

Oh shit, wait a minute. This thread isn't supposed to be my nightmare. Someone else's nightmare, but definitely not mine. Sorry for going off topic.

Naw weyt jus a dam daggum minit!! How da hell dat git turn roun on me so fas? Ain wee spose ta be sennin summon els ta hell???
Mebbe wee otter let dem poe ole meennuns see bout savun dem? Shee'it! Dam! Luv die neybhur thang. Daggum it!

What do you think precious?
Ah tole yu ahs a twit whey bak den. howp yu git a laff outta vit.
Fukin uncle Remus over here
hotrix1's Avatar
Fukin uncle Remus over here Originally Posted by bamadog78
Wah yu git mah famly drug inta dis? Wat dey do to yu? Man, mah Unkl Remus, he a gud man tu. He an mah dadd dey yusta go inta da wuds ta hunt and mek wisky at naht. Wat he du tu yu?

Yu no, mah dad an Unkl Remus went inta wunna dem dringkin pleys dey call bahrs. Mah daddy see dis nice an purty gal frum kalifornye, she dis blond gurl wit dem nahs hollywud tittys, she evun 'ad all her teef in her haid, lukd lahk wun dem moovy stars. Yu no wat daddy tell mah unkl? He tole im "go Remus a peesa ass"as daddy poynt er awt to im. Dey bof got leyd dat naht sho nuff. Muh dad up frunt and Unkl Remus in de bak. Dem boys sho haz sum fun ther in dem hills o Caintukkey.

Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Jeebers, but Ho-Tricks is long-winded.

Weyt, ol'most dun fuggit agin, Chicago boy, ye sez mah cussin Hawt Rix, he lawng winded? sho nuff? Ya no whut mah cussin Hawt Rix sey, he sez"be'in lawng winded'sa gud ting, mek fer gud staminer in de sak". Yep, dat wat he sez. Uhuh.
Yu no dat man thar, he raht mos de tahm. He ain smart lahk me but he uz raht mo'den haf de tahm. Leest haf, sho nuff.

Naw I gotta go, I hear grammar callin'. Uhuh. tahm fer suppa. Uhuh.

Now that's what you call going off the rails, off topic! Having multiple identities on the board also., and what Botemanyeti called ass baffoonary. Nimrod, can't even spell the word right.
Ummmm hmmm,
Pistolero's Avatar
And as St. C quite clearly wrote on the subject, this is not church. Not even a church of pussy, it's a hooker board. Originally Posted by hotrix1
Point of order here. St C post was about closing threads.

DH quoted MY recent post in the Houston coed. Just wanted to set the record straight.

And if you are interested, I am a Houston mod who lives in West Texas.