It’s not easy to mess up a State Of The Union speech, trump had no problem giving a mess of a speech:

StandinStraight's Avatar
Trump and his partners in crime had months to write a State Of The Union speech that would hopefully be honest, uniting, uplifting. Instead we got lies, dividing, depressing, hs speech mirrored his presidency, a total disaster.

Do they not realize everything he says is fact checked? He lied about the economy, immigration, crime, healthcare, regulations, energy, unemployment, and the honesty of our federal employees.

A total disaster in front of a world audience.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Go fuck yourself, Standing Stupid.

LexusLover's Avatar
Go fuck yourself, Standing Stupid.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The 25% were sitting to Trump's right.

StandingInShit believes he's posting to his imaginary students.

His imaginary "special needs" students don't know the difference.
Mods, please merge this with SiS other SOTU threads.

StandinShit, please go fuck yourself.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's actually better if he keeps creating more threads ... because if you merge them all it will look like he only makes an ass out of himself once!

Besides .... his imaginary students enjoy laughing at him.
StandinStraight's Avatar
The 25% were sitting to Trump's right.

StandingInShit believes he's posting to his imaginary students.

His imaginary "special needs" students don't know the difference. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The State Of The Union speech is very hard to mess up since you’re writing and reading what you wrote to a audience that is there to applaud you. Trump gave the least favorable speech of the last 20 years, that’s not a success, it’s a disaster!
Yeah Trump nailed it ..... did you see the look on Pelosi's face, like she just laid a big turd in her depends? ..... I kinda feel sorry for those dummycrats, who were obviously suffering from a bad case of "owww my legs don't work" ..... they're not used to being called out on their fuck-ups, and facing a strong leader willing and determined to fix them ..... there was a look of hopelessness on a lot of faces, as I'm sure they realize now it's going to be a LONG seven years .....
Yeah Trump nailed it ..... did you see the look on Pelosi's face, like she just laid a big turd in her depends? .....there was a look of hopelessness on a lot of faces, as I'm sure they realize now it's going to be a LONG seven years ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge

Many of those in the resistance movement aren't gonna make it 7 yrs.....with mid-terms looming there will be some that won't be in attendance for next yr's SOTU address. And it won't be becuz they boycotted....wait and see.

Oh...also. Per StandInShit's assessment of the President's speech: Go Fuck Yourself, twit, and pack your bags while you're at it. Time for you to move to NoKo and start a new career.
That was my man last night!! Great job!! Oh boy- between Nancy,Chuckie baby and Joe Joe - they gonna lose
steny hoyer

now what a depressing face he had all night

he had as his guest one gabriella hernandez, dreamer

speaking of gabriella, I'd like a little input as to the qualifications of a dreamer

ok she goes to a junior college

but she wants to be a social worker... social worker should automatically disqualify you as a dreamer