Hello panhandle

I shall see y'all ne t week!
still deciding forsure but I know Ft.Walton is definite so help me decide where else this trip I should go?
Some Pcola love this trip???
After Ft Walton you should go to Destin!!! Oh! Can you throw Khloe in your suitcase and bring her too?!
Looks like Pensacola will be the winner with Ft. Walton!
Yes pcola please, and I’d love to make an appointment! Are you bringing chloe with you?
Khloe & cumbackchloe are both visiting this week I believe. I'll be there Monday
Woohoo! Why do we always save the best for last? Lol
Your prodigy stole my heart once again BEG, I can’t wait to see where she learned her magic from