Sh*t you hear at a poker table

So, it’s been a while since this happened, been saving it for a rainy day, but a true story.

So I’m sitting at a poker table and they seat this really old man beside me. He’s got on one of those 3 war veteran hats, Korea, ww2 and Vietnam. Anyways after a few minutes, some light chit chat... I can’t remember what was said. He turns to me and says son, you should always show the utmost respect for your elders. It’s very important.

So I say, oh yeah? Why’s it so important?

He is very elderly and not quick to do anything or say anything, so you have imagine how long his statements take to say.... anyways he says “sonny, I’ve been in 3 wars, I’ve travelled all over this world. I’ve been to France, Italy, Germany, Amsterdam, Vietnam, Korea, just to name a few. And in all my travels to all these crazy exotic places all over the planet I’ve visited the local whore house in every one, you see sonny, If there’s one thing I love in this world it’s pussy. Now in all those whore houses all over this world I’ve slept with thousands and thousands of whores, so who knows? I might just be your dad.”

And that my friends is why you should be nice to old people.
That’s fucking hilarious!!!
Well at least one guy liked it.

Btw I am not in favor of using the w word. However it is a very true story, and it just doesn’t have the same effect if I change it to a more PC term
flanker1017's Avatar
I liked it too, P'cola.