Black Vanderbilt Professor Explains Why The Democratic South Became Republican.(Video)

Still waitin. Boom boom, boof, boom boom, boof, wi ji wi ji wi ji wi ji
This woman is obviously a “white supremest”
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whenever you hear words like “fabricated by left-leaning academic elites and journalists” you kinda know what you’re dealing with.

Problem is that you somehow this horseshit is legitimate because a black lady is spouting it.

lustylad's Avatar
Whenever you hear words like “fabricated by left-leaning academic elites and journalists” you kinda know what you’re dealing with.

Problem is that you somehow this horseshit is legitimate because a black lady is spouting it.

SMFH. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

The problem is you and Joe Biden and dim-retards somehow think the lady "ain't black" because she spouts the truth.

The fact that Professor Carol Swain earned degrees at Virginia Tech, Chapel Hill and Yale - and then taught at Princeton and Vanderbilt - tells you that you're dealing with a highly educated and credible INSIDER - one who intimately understands the deceit, chicanery and toxic misinformation that those "left-leaning academics and journalists" routinely use to poison and misdirect our national discourse.

biomed1's Avatar
A short read . . .
#27 - Often times in online communities, members may display a tendency towards bringing their conflicts with other members to the board. This will be strongly discouraged and swift effort will be made to put it to rest. Additionally, staff will make every effort to stay uninvolved in conflicts and disputes between members off the board except in such cases where the board becomes directly affected.
Whenever you hear words like “fabricated by left-leaning academic elites and journalists” you kinda know what you’re dealing with.

Problem is that you somehow this horseshit is legitimate because a black lady is spouting it.

SMFH. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Does it upset you that a Black women is telling the truth about the Democratic Party. I guess she isn't black now, lol.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Does it upset you that a Black women is telling the truth about the Democratic Party. I guess she isn't black now, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
No. It bothers me that she’s not telling the truth and that you think she’s a “women.” lol.

She’s reading a script meant to be red meat to the Trump masses. Written and delivered with extreme political bias. And the entire series is punctuated with trope and white supremacy icons and imagery, as presented in Cheap Charlie’s previous YouTube, complete with demeaning beat box narrative.

Who is this designed to convince? You or me?

Her race doesn’t make it the truth. My point is that to some folks, it does.
This woman is obviously a “white supremest” Originally Posted by Jackie S
which women?
Precious_b's Avatar
Do they mention Dixiecrats?
Do they mention Dixiecrats? Originally Posted by Precious_b
lustylad's Avatar
Do they mention Dixiecrats? Originally Posted by Precious_b
Do you mean the 21 racist, dim-retard Senators who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

Yes, the FACT that all but one of them remained loyal, racist dim-retards for the rest of their political careers is mentioned... as irrefutable proof that dim-retard claims there was some kind of "big switch" are a lie and a MYTH!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Strom Thurmond did switch parties to the GOP. He was the only one. He is the exception that proves the rule. Democrats are racist in their nature. Of course, Thurmond had an epiphany when his black housekeeper gave birth to their daughter.
bill clinton's mentor, famous arkansas dixiecrat j. william fulbright

to wit:

The University of Arkansas’ chancellor has reportedly met with state lawmakers this week to hear their concerns about the potential relocation of a campus statue of late Sen. James William Fulbright – the one-time mentor to Bill Clinton whom the former president delivered a eulogy for at his funeral.

– and (fulbright's) resistance to the"Civil Rights Bills of 1957 and 1964, and vote against the Voting Rights Bill of 1965."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So we’re still judging a group of people in 2022 based on the actions of another group of people in 1965 … or 1861.


Does this make you feel better bout the rampant and systemic racism in today's Republican Party? Kind of a Free Pass?

Nothing says Racist in 2022 more than the Confederate battle flag, eh?

Look at all these fine Americans. All Democrats, eh?

lustylad's Avatar
So we’re still judging a group of people in 2022 based on the actions of another group of people in 1965... or 1861.

So you're finally admitting the dim-retards WERE the party of racism, Jim crow, slavery and the Klan?

Excellent start!

Now go back and make sure this ACCURATE rendition of history is thoroughly baked into all those CRT textbooks you want our schools to use!

Does this make you feel better bout the rampant and systemic racism in today's Republican Party? Kind of a Free Pass?

Oh dear! There you go again - projecting your own deep-seated historical guilt onto others!

Instead of ignorantly slandering an entire party, let's talk facts. Can you name a single "white supremacist" Republican in the US House or Senate? Didn't think so.

Can you name any openly and disgracefully anti-semitic dim-retards? Hmmm... do the names Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Alexandra Octavia-Cortez ring a bell?

Shame, shame, shame!

Nothing says Racist in 2022 more than the Confederate battle flag, eh?

Look at all these fine Americans. All Democrats, eh?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

If you say so!

Was Daisy Dukes a dim-retard? Didn't know that!