Trump Sues the Government over search of Mar A Lago - sends personal note of warning!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wonder if he’ll take the fifth if called on this one?

He’s been hearing things, you know. And a lot of people are saying….


Donald Trump sues over FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago estate

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit over the search of his Mar-a-Lago estate two weeks ago.
The motion filed Monday asks a judge to appoint a special master to review the materials seized by the government and argues they were taken under an "overbroad warrant."

The lawsuit also includes a message that Trump had his lawyer relay to a top Justice Department lawyer on Aug. 11, just days after the search.

"President Trump wants the Attorney General to know that he has been hearing from people all over the county about the raid. If there was one word to describe their mood, it is 'angry.' The heat is building up. The pressure is building up. Whatever I can do to take the heat down, to bring the pressure down, just let us know," the message stated, according to the lawsuit.
winn dixie's Avatar
The raid was govt. overreach and illegal.Big government needs to reel in these rogue agencies.
We the people are "angry"!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Illegal? How?

Maybe you need to hunker down.
There was nothing illegal about this, he is a crook and stole federal document's and should be held accountable just like any other American, lock him for espionage and treason and throw the frigging key away 🙄.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Good for him but he’ll lose the case. Not because it has no merit, since ’grab anything from when he was President’ is fucking retarded, but because the entire swamp fears him.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There was nothing illegal about this, he is a crook and stole federal document's and should be held accountable just like any other American, lock him for espionage and treason and throw the frigging key away 🙄. Originally Posted by Hdtown
LOL! You don’t actually believe that nonsense, do you?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
As you said: “So?”

He will surely drown in the swamp. Hopefully soon.
There was nothing illegal about this, he is a crook and stole federal document's and should be held accountable just like any other American, lock him for espionage and treason and throw the frigging key away 🙄. Originally Posted by Hdtown

Except Hillary Clinton got away with worse and Comey let her off.

It is the double standard that the Washington Press Corps and career politicians are doing that is causing the problem.
"Except Hillary Clinton got away with worse and Comey let her off."

And the other guy was speeding or selling drugs, or sold drugs...I got caught and he didn't. Think that will stand as a defense in court? DEFLECTION...another evasive debate maneuver.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not a double standard.

What part of legally executed federal search warrant don’t you understand.

The media didn’t create this story. DOJ/FBI didn’t say shit about it.

Who turned this into a shit show?

Donald J Trump.

Open your eyes, farm…
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Except Hillary Clinton got away with worse and Comey let her off.

It is the double standard that the Washington Press Corps and career politicians are doing that is causing the problem. Originally Posted by farmstud60
It’s not even the point tho, their raid had nothing to do with classified documents. They were there a few weeks before and said no worries, throw another lock on the door. Them having carte blanche to grab anything from his entire presidency is an indication of one thing, they were looking for documents about things THEY did, not him. They can’t beat him, they know this, and have thrown everything including the kitchen sink at him trying. The last resort, since he’s pretty well protected and difficult to kill, is to arrest him, obviously on some more made up horseshit. Why do you think they went to a tds newb magistrate instead of a federal judge? Because anyone with sense would’ve told Garland to GTFO.
LOL! You don’t actually believe that nonsense, do you? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Of course he believes it.

Morning Joe said so.
"It’s not even the point tho, their raid had nothing to do with classified documents. They were there a few weeks before and said no worries, throw another lock on the door. Them having carte blanche to grab anything from his entire presidency is an indication of one thing, they were looking for documents about things THEY did, not him. They can’t beat him, they know this, and have thrown everything including the kitchen sink at him trying. The last resort, since he’s pretty well protected and difficult to kill, is to arrest him, obviously on some more made up horseshit. Why do you think they went to a tds newb magistrate instead of a federal judge? Because anyone with sense would’ve told Garland to GTFO." Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Another statement/opinion given as fact. Please show proof (not opinion) to substantiate.
winn dixie's Avatar
"It’s not even the point tho, their raid had nothing to do with classified documents. They were there a few weeks before and said no worries, throw another lock on the door. Them having carte blanche to grab anything from his entire presidency is an indication of one thing, they were looking for documents about things THEY did, not him. They can’t beat him, they know this, and have thrown everything including the kitchen sink at him trying. The last resort, since he’s pretty well protected and difficult to kill, is to arrest him, obviously on some more made up horseshit. Why do you think they went to a tds newb magistrate instead of a federal judge? Because anyone with sense would’ve told Garland to GTFO." Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Another statement/opinion given as fact. Please show proof (not opinion) to substantiate. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Eccie fact checkers have found the post to be factual!
That's funny, but my Mama says otherwise...and Mama's always right.