Sloth Fetterman backs the violent Crips street gang

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Probably helps explain his "I will make you hurt" tattoo

As a mayoral candidate in 2005, Senate hopeful John Fetterman adopted a unique tactic to appeal to the youth of Braddock, Pa.: tout the borough’s connections to the notorious Crips street gang. After his election, he downplayed the gang’s prevalence in his town, and attributed some of their gang activity to the acts of "disenfranchised" and "disenchanted" youth.

During his first mayoral run in 2005, Fetterman adopted the slogan "Vote John Mayor of Braddocc," a nod to the spelling that local Crips gang members used for the town.
Fetterman’s nod to the Crips can still be found at his loft in Braddock, where a city sign emblazoned with the gang’s graffiti hangs above his refrigerator. The New York Times photographed Fetterman in front of the sign for a 2011 profile. Fetterman’s wife posted a photo to social media in 2020 with the sign in the background.

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Pennsylvania’s Democrat nominee for U.S. Senate, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, embraced a spelling of Braddocc, Pennsylvania, during his first mayoral run that “acknowledge[d] an allegiance that many of the younger residents there have with the Crips gang,” the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette previously reported.