The Time Is Drawing Near...

...for me to get out of Dodge. I cannot say how thrilled I am to be leaving this area; this brief move will be a welcomed and refreshing change.

I do not say this because of the lack of interest from the gentlemen in this area, but say this as I had hoped that after these many years of being away from my hometown, things had changed. After a 38 year absence, I had high hopes that the intellectual, psychological and emotional levels of people had changed....moved forward into the 21st century, along with the rest of the world, but am sadly disappointed and slightly angered by the backward attitudes of the local citizens in my area.

I should not be surprised, however, I was expecting to be. It is as if, time has stood still here and most still have the mental slavery attitudes that prevent the population from growing, expanding, bring about compassion, empathy and the understanding that we must all co-exist on this small planet; that we are all in the same boat, and will all meet with the same end -- that quite slumber known as death.

In my many travels around the world, I have encountered many religious beliefs, socio-economic beliefs, traditons, rites, rituals, cultural differences. And the most important thing that I took away from all my travel experiences, is that no matter where you have been, where you have come from, your intent on where you wish to go, people are the same all over the world...on every continent, in every country, in every city, hamlet, town, village and outpost. But in using those experiences, I have also learned to engage in some self-exploration and have come to the realization (many, many years ago), that I do not fit in anywhere.

The way that I carry myself, speak, act; my beliefs on religion, conflict, politics, behavior, child rearing, community involvement are simply not in step with those among whom I reside and share my community.

It is a heavy burden, but one which I do not mind dragging along with me like a bad set of luggage, whenever I chose to leave. But once the decision is made to leave, it is always my intention of NEVER RETURNING to the place from whence I departed.

I do not believe in going backward, EVER. There is nothing new offered in the past, and the future is unknown. I can only take the lessons that I have learned from past experiences, glean what I can from them, and make the decision to never go to that place again.

Tomorrow is promised to no one; time waits for no one. So I chose to live in the present moment. Taking the good experiences with the bad experiences, weighing the pros and cons of each, and making the conscious effort to enjoy the simple things and live in the moment.

For me, the simple things are: the love and comfort of family and good friends, the laughter of children, the antics of household pets, the sound of the wind in the trees, the sound of windchimes, the singing and warbling of birds; the sight of a hunting hawk in flight. The trees and flowers in bloom, the changes of the seasons, the beauty of a day filled with sunshine and clouds, as well as the storms that produce lightning, thunder and prodigious rain.

Most of all I appreciate the fact that I am here to witness these things and enjoy the sheer wonder of it all; realize that I am blessed and fortunate enough to have the mental faculties and emotional maturity to enjoy those things, as they are often times here and gone in the blink of an eye.

So to the Gentlemen in the Jackson, MS area...I hope that you will be ready to meet a well-balanced woman, who enjoys being in the moment and who could use a break from the monotony that I have endured these past two years.

I am ready to laugh, love, drink, dine, dance, smile, listen, talk and just be human. I do not know about you, but I realize that being human is a very difficult job and I belief that sometimes, just being human should be enough.

Until soon...

DallasRain's Avatar
that is a very insighful post..I wissh you the best babe!!!!!!!!!!
im with dee sweetheart!
good luck in your personal ventures and i wish you happiness where ever you may go~!
Good luck.
raedy4funn45's Avatar
good luck
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Damn, KV, you're quite a woman!

Good luck on your move. I hope you find Jackson to be a better place than where you've been.

KV, You are exactly correct. Do not dwell on the past but remember what you have learned from it, focus on the future because it will be what you make of it. None of us are promised tomorrow all we have is the moment we live in.

I hope you find what you are seeking.

Big AL
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Good Luck babe
vicinms's Avatar
Hope things work out great for you, wherever you go and whatever you do!