karma screen

sue_nami's Avatar
I got some bogus scammy looking creepy email from something called karma screen trying to screen a regular client. it looks suspect and fake and I wrote back and said have a real provider call me directly and got an auto reply email saying the account is not monitored. the entire thing seems super suspect. anyone know what karma screen is? I was completely spooked and suspicious and seemed like a fake attempt to out my client perhaps. if this is your agency, you guys need to try to use real people to do this and not scammy creepy emails from anonymous sources.
sue_nami's Avatar
this is their web site. https://www.karmascreen.com/ the local provider is no one I have heard of but the picture looks like a gender fluid person I saw reviewed on here before maybe, who claims to not allow reviews. My client is a regular who is a well respected politically connected local person who is well known and could be perhaps blackmailed? I do not think he would be seeing a gender fluid provider. and I think if he needed a reference he would tell me. anyone know if this is a legit screening service? what would you have done? would you have answered an unsolicited suspicious email like this? I will wait to hear from HIM asking me in person to respond. my client's safety and privacy is of utmost concern to me.
It doesn't sound too far out there to me. He sees you to have stuff stuck up his ass, I imagine he might be a little gay.
sue_nami's Avatar
kid once again, you are so wrong. Clearly, only some guys like prostate massage, not all. It is merely an option with me. you paint all men with such a broad brush and stereotyping like you just did does not do any one any good and makes you look judgmental and frankly, just wrong.
Do you really think someone is trying out him? Did they give you his real world name or handle? If you were given a handle than you should give the ok or not. If his name, then you should contact him and confirm he needs the reference.

Him being bisexual is really none of your concern, just because he is a client doesn't mean he may not have other taste.

You putting this on here is more detrimental to him than giving a simple yes or no to the screener. Now the karma screener knows he is possibly a local politician and maybe use that to extort him, or another one of your clients, that knows your incall location, can stake it out looking for who it is to do the same.

But I know, you will say my clients would never do that. Well lets hope so.
What the heck is a gender fluid provider?
I reckon she realized her mistake...
sue_nami's Avatar
Ellen, it is how this person self identifies on their profile, it means she/he has a pussy but feels she is more man than woman inside. gender fluid is a self chosen label this person uses. I only used it because they did in the provider description.. and kid, i just chose not to argue with you. why bother?