Email scam

Lumpy Rutherford's Avatar
I received an email that looks like it came from a provider but I know it's a scam. I heard about this scam happening a couple of years ago but instead of emails it was Facebook messages.

Basically someone's email or Facebook gets hacked and the crooks send messages to people in the address book, asking for money to be wired because they are having an emergency situation.

This provider and I have never met. We exchanged a couple of introductory emails last year but haven't had a session yet.

Here is the text of the message that I received.

Writing to let you know our trip to (United Kingdom) has been a mess. We came down here to United Kingdom, for a short vacation, unfortunately for us we were mugged at the park of the hotel where we stayed. All cash, credit card and phones were stolen off us but luckily for us we still have our lives and passports saved.

We've been to the Embassy and the Police here but they are not helping issues at all and our return flight leaves in few hours from now but we're having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the bills. Am freaked out at the moment!!...I'm financially strapped right now and need your help. I need you to loan me some money, I'll refund it to you as soon as we arrive home...I promise!...Write me back so i can tell you how.. thanks...lindsy...215-586-7402

Just an FYI, I know most of you are probably too sophisticated to fall for it, right?
cubsoxbull's Avatar
Lumpy Rutherford's Avatar
Thanks, cubsoxbull.

Mods, if you don't mind, would you close this thread? Thanks.