WHITE HOUSE LOWERS THE BOOM --- 35 Russian Diplomats Expelled!!!

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Trump Win Tainted: ‘It’s Hard To Imagine A Crisis Of Presidential Legitimacy More Extreme’…

With Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell welcoming the move, it would be politically difficult for Donald Trump to reverse it and would show as is expected that Trump is in bed with the Russians.

Let the decline of America begin as Putin lulls Trump to sleep and invades America as I predict. I think more should have been done as a challenge for Trump to try to undue. I find it hilarious that most Republicans are lauding Trump for wanting to normalize relations with Russia but bashed Obama for attempting to do the same thing with Cuba and Iran.

President Barack Obama sanctioned Russian officials and entities on Thursday in response to Moscow’s reported hacking during the U.S. presidential election.

“All Americans should be alarmed by Russia’s actions,” the president said in a statement.

In addition to hitting two Russian intelligence agencies, three companies and four individual intelligence officers with sanctions banning them from travel and business with U.S. companies or individuals, Obama ordered 35 Russian operatives posted at diplomatic facilities in Washington and San Francisco to leave. The president asked the State Department to bar Russians from entering two Russian-owned compounds in Maryland and New York that were used to gather intelligence, according to his statement. And Obama’s Treasury Department barred U.S. business with two Russians accused of cyber-theft of money and data.

Obama left the door open for further action, including a potential cyberattack on Russia. “We will continue to take a variety of actions at a time and place of our choosing, some of which will not be publicized,” he stated.

If Russia is not deterred now, the Obama administration believes it will continue to interfere in U.S. elections, as well as elections in U.S.-friendly countries, officials told reporters in a call. One official described Russian government actions against U.S. diplomats posted in Russia as part of the country’s “flagrant violation of diplomatic norms.”
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-30-2016, 07:36 AM
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
And? Originally Posted by R.M.
I want to taste you RM

and you should be welcoming this news from Obama if you love you're country and a Patriot as you claim

Go pack your bags, thumb-sucker....Bill and Hillary will wait for you at the bus station.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
This will force Trump's hand as he enters the White House. If Trump attempts to "normalize" relations with Russia, he will get considerable pushback from the "Russia Hawks" (Lindsey Graham and McCain come to mind). This will immediately expose the ugly rift in the GOP. This sounds like a political chess move on O's part.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
This will force Trump's hand as he enters the White House. If Trump attempts to "normalize" relations with Russia, he will get considerable pushback from the "Russia Hawks" (Lindsey Graham and McCain come to mind). This will immediately expose the ugly rift in the GOP. This sounds like a political chess move on O's part. Originally Posted by Rogue_Gent

Absolutely it is. Obama has always been smarter than these idiots and he's done it in true Professorial type fashion. It's a big time move but it's not just a short term move it's one to ensure his legacy stays intact and like an idiot Trump WILL fall for the bait because of his arrogance. Obama has judged and played this brilliantly. It's exactly why Republican leadership has aligned with Obama on this because they know it's a brilliant move that you cannot fight against and win in the long term. True to form Trump will move to reverse the decision (playing into Obama's plan) and cause irreparable harm in the future. It's why so many right wingers hate him. He's literally been the smartest man in the room and you don't see that often in a POTUS. The anger and jealousy seethes within these clowns.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Putin retaliates by inviting American diplomats to a New Years party.
Obama has always been smarter than.... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
...and his little buddy was called Boo Boo, right....
I B Hankering's Avatar
Absolutely it is. Obama has always been smarter than these idiots and he's done it in true Professorial type fashion. It's a big time move but it's not just a short term move it's one to ensure his legacy stays intact and like an idiot Trump WILL fall for the bait because of his arrogance. Obama has judged and played this brilliantly. It's exactly why Republican leadership has aligned with Obama on this because they know it's a brilliant move that you cannot fight against and win in the long term. True to form Trump will move to reverse the decision (playing into Obama's plan) and cause irreparable harm in the future. It's why so many right wingers hate him. He's literally been the smartest man in the room and you don't see that often in a POTUS. The anger and jealousy seethes within these clowns. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
If Odumbo and hildebeest were half as damn smart as you fantasize them to be, Sissy Chap, they'd have had better OPSEC and those emails would never have been hacked. you perennial jackass.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
doesn't matter Obama calculated brilliantly and played the first domino and now Putin who could only sit and wait is now forced to make one of two losing moves Obama already calculated..... making moves to further puppeteer Mr. Trump. You guys really don't get it and never will. Trying to be a republican for 3 months may prove more challenging than I thought.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
If Odumbo and hildebeest were half as damn smart as you fantasize them to be, Sissy Chap, they'd have had better OPSEC and those emails would never have been hacked. you perennial jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Hey numnuts newsflash Hilary's emails are Hilary's emails. Not Obama's but I don't you expect you're smart enough to know this. Just another red neck hillbilly.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hey numnuts newsflash Hilary's emails are Hilary's emails. Not Obama's but I don't you expect you're smart enough to know this. Just another red neck hillbilly. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

So Odumbo wasn't the head of the dim-retard party -- including those associated with the DNC -- these past eight years, Sissy Chap? Never heard you admit that you jackass-in-charge was not in control, Sissy Chap. Maybe your lying ass was sincere when you claimed you were going to be a Republican, Sissy Chap.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

So Odumbo wasn't the head of the dim-retard party -- including those associated with the DNC -- these past eight years, Sissy Chap? Never heard you admit that you jackass-in-charge was not in control, Sissy Chap. Maybe your lying ass was sincere when you claimed you were going to be a Republican, Sissy Chap.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sure Obama made a mistake I didn't say he was prefect in all things. He was head but I'm pretty sure most operational control was relinquished to the nominee (and Debbie Wasserman-Shultz) and those porous holes were only realized until later in the game. The only real mistake Obama made was not lowering the boom on Putin earlier and he likely didnt because Hilary was supposed to be a shoe-in regardless. See unlike you clowns I dont feel the need to excuse everything but Obama is a good man who saved this country from where we were 8 yrs ago and it's a fact you mentally lazy ass people can deny all you want but fail in doing so
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sure Obama made a mistake I didn't say he was prefect in all things. He was head but I'm pretty sure most operational control was relinquished to the nominee (and Debbie Wasserman-Shultz) and those porous holes were only realized until later in the game. The only real mistake Odumbo made was not lowering the boom on Putin earlier and he likely didnt because Hilary was supposed to be a shoe-in regardless. See unlike you clowns I dont feel the need to excuse everything but Obama is a good man who saved this country from where we were 8 yrs ago and it's a fact you mentally lazy ass people can deny all you want but fail in doing so Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Odumbo fucked up because Odumbo is an naive, incompetent fuck-up, Sissy Chap. Odumbo didn't save shit, and Odumbo's legacy is the toilet circling the bowl, and you can bob for them apples all day long, Sissy Chap, but they're still going to smell like shit from now to eternity.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
For some reason I thinck that everything for you is more challenging than you thought.