Woman gets brutally beaten in front of her child



From the article:

"There is a moral and social breakdown in the fabric of our society which is clearly evident when a woman gets pummeled in broad daylight in front of her child while a dozen people pull out their phones to record the incident instead of calling for help," Pelura said. "There is so little regard for human life — by the actor and the bystanders."
wellendowed1911's Avatar


From the article:

"There is a moral and social breakdown in the fabric of our society which is clearly evident when a woman gets pummeled in broad daylight in front of her child while a dozen people pull out their phones to record the incident instead of calling for help," Pelura said. "There is so little regard for human life — by the actor and the bystanders." Originally Posted by neighbordude
very disturbing but not surprising- believe it or not the average person in the same situation would have done nothing- this has been proven in many Psychology experiments. The more people around to witness a horrific event the less intervention- it's human nature and the reason being is not that the bystanders are lazy or inhumane it's that every bystander is expecting someone else to intervene and you end getting no one to help- sad.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
very disturbing but not surprising- believe it or not the average person in the same situation would have done nothing- this has been proven in many Psychology experiments. The more people around to witness a horrific event the less intervention- it's human nature and the reason being is not that the bystanders are lazy or inhumane it's that every bystander is expecting someone else to intervene and you end getting no one to help- sad. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
It being human nature doesn't excuse cowardice. Those guys who didn't intervene are scumbag losers who should be ashamed of themselves. Even the two year old kid was brave enough to try and help his mummy.
Since the kid appears to be multicultural, and multiculturalism is a strength, perhaps that is why he tried to help.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
His mummy?

don't be Daft, BJerk!
Check out RatchetVideoWeekly... https://www.youtube.com/user/RatchetVideoWeekly/videos

Fast forward thru the talking. You will see how animalistic people can be, especially some of these females.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
It was one on one. If she'd have gone much further, beating down person that wasn't fighting back, I can see intervening. But who's to say whitey didn't have it comin'? No way I'd have filmed it though, at least not to share.

So up yours jew law, it doesn't make one a scumbag loser to mind their own business when a couple bitches throw down. If anything is wrong in today's society, it is too many pricks intervening in what isn't their business. Look on the bright side, shit like this makes more business for your kind.
It was one on one. If she'd have gone much further, beating down person that wasn't fighting back, I can see intervening. But who's to say whitey didn't have it comin'? No way I'd have filmed it though, at least not to share.

So up yours jew law, it doesn't make one a scumbag loser to mind their own business when a couple bitches throw down. If anything is wrong in today's society, it is too many pricks intervening in what isn't their business. Look on the bright side, shit like this makes more business for your kind. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

Johnny, for you entertainment. I hope these GIRLS are dark enough for you.

That sammich isn't going to make itself, bitch.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
It was one on one. If she'd have gone much further, beating down person that wasn't fighting back, I can see intervening. But who's to say whitey didn't have it comin'? No way I'd have filmed it though, at least not to share.

So up yours jew law, it doesn't make one a scumbag loser to mind their own business when a couple bitches throw down. If anything is wrong in today's society, it is too many pricks intervening in what isn't their business. Look on the bright side, shit like this makes more business for your kind. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
They were not "throwing down" it was assault. Additionally, the assault progressed from minor injuries to major and still the assailant continued. If it were just a fight, the other parties could have temporarily intervened to confirm the victim wished to continue or receive medical attention.
In other words, stick it up yo ass.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
If it were just a fight, the other parties could have temporarily intervened to confirm the victim wished to continue or receive medical attention. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
That sounds like coddled schoolboy perspective. Maybe at Isaac and David's Boy School you get to call time but not in the real world.

Start telling us stories of all the times in your illustrious tough guy career you stopped a fight to ask Buffy is she was okay with getting her hair pulled. 'OMG, should we call a stylist for you?'

Myself, I'd have to see where a man was and what his perspective was before I considered labeling him a scumbag loser. But I don't grandstand rhetoric for a career either.

What surprises me is that you don't encourage continuing the fight; a negro could have ended up in jail and some white trash dead, making more room in the US for the precious people you want to sell immigration rights to.
I B Hankering's Avatar
That sounds like coddled schoolboy perspective. Maybe at Isaac and David's Boy School you get to call time but not in the real world.

Start telling us stories of all the times in your illustrious tough guy career you stopped a fight to ask Buffy is she was okay with getting her hair pulled. 'OMG, should we call a stylist for you?'

Myself, I'd have to see where a man was and what his perspective was before I considered labeling him a scumbag loser. But I don't grandstand rhetoric for a career either.

What surprises me is that you don't encourage continuing the fight; a negro could have ended up in jail and some white trash dead, making more room in the US for the precious people you want to sell immigration rights to. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
You sound like a racist wanna be gansta, johnnycap. JL was 100% correct when he stated that the injured woman was stalked down and assaulted: it's an open and shut case of aggravated battery. Read the fuckin' story, moron, the woman that did the beat down is looking at jail time.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That sounds like coddled schoolboy perspective. Maybe at Isaac and David's Boy School you get to call time but not in the real world.

Start telling us stories of all the times in your illustrious tough guy career you stopped a fight to ask Buffy is she was okay with getting her hair pulled. 'OMG, should we call a stylist for you?'

Myself, I'd have to see where a man was and what his perspective was before I considered labeling him a scumbag loser. But I don't grandstand rhetoric for a career either.

What surprises me is that you don't encourage continuing the fight; a negro could have ended up in jail and some white trash dead, making more room in the US for the precious people you want to sell immigration rights to. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Actually, where I come from, I've never seen two girls throw down. Many a yelling and screaming match, though.
I appreciate the reference to the selling of citizenship - do you see merit in the idea?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What surprises me is that you don't encourage continuing the fight; a negro could have ended up in jail and some white trash dead, making more room in the US for the precious people you want to sell immigration rights to. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
I prefer as few people as possible in jail, and as many people being self sufficient taxpayers as possible - negroes included.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I appreciate the reference to the selling of citizenship - do you see merit in the idea? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
No, I've been calling you an elitist bigot worthy of Hitler status as long as I've known of it.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
You sound like a racist wanna be gansta, johnnycap. JL was 100% correct when he stated that the injured woman was stalked down and assaulted: it's an open and shut case of aggravated battery. Read the fuckin' story, moron, the woman that did the beat down is looking at jail time.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It is well less than 20 seconds from where both ladies are standing to the point where it clearly isn't a fair fight to the point the aggressor is standing and mostly done. Now I have neither your omniscient knowledge nor the full faith in the mass media to have all the answers you suddenly seem to have, but my objection to jewlaw is that calling the persons who happen to be around for those short moments scumbag losers is harsh, especially considering that jewlaw admits that he has not been in that situation himself. He's only pretending he has the stuff.

Without being present at the event or having relevant real life experience, this man wants to condemn. I object, especially coming from a man who wants to establish panels that get to decide who gets to live in America. His is dangerous thought that needs be contested. If that makes me a moron I say, "Hello moronity, I'm home."