evil oil, terrible fracking

so whats the current benefit and contribution to our economy and jobs and growth and tax collections of our oil industry?

no not the normal calculations

the benefit of our the stable prices

yes there has been a slight spike since ISIS took a third of Iraq, but not anything like what one would expect based on past history

how many billions if not trillions has the American Oil Industry ( fracking has been around for a very long time) saved us and the world by making America much more energy independent and therefore creating the price stability that has been enjoyed?

why aren't we being praised as America's salvation? is it merely political?

solar energy and bald eagle killer fans? nope!
Fracking has been around, however the way has been changed. Oil price is based on world market prices, so our production increase will do nothing towards the price at the pump. We cannot export oil at this time, but we are exporting the refined product.
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  • WTF
  • 06-30-2014, 07:31 AM
Good Lord.... I have been saying for years that the new energy plays here in the States should be our calling card for getting out of the ME region and use it as the great bridge it can be to alternative energy.

We would be able to get out of the costly and no win nation building endeavor(s) and concentrate that saving on our own citizens. But the neocons are protecting their buddies in the vast industrial military complex. We should now more than ever be a isolationist country. You fools that want state rights yet are for spending our tax dollars on building up other nations are finally starting to have those conflicting values challenged.
the disturbed are out in force
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Good Lord.... I have been saying for years that the new energy plays here in the States should be our calling card for getting out of the ME region and use it as the great bridge it can be to alternative energy.

We would be able to get out of the costly and no win nation building endeavor(s) and concentrate that saving on our own citizens. But the neocons are protecting their buddies in the vast industrial military complex. We should now more than ever be a isolationist country. You fools that want state rights yet are for spending our tax dollars on building up other nations are finally starting to have those conflicting values challenged.
Originally Posted by WTF