Ladies and Alcohol?

I am just wondering there are any ladies on here that do not drink alcohol. I personally do not drink much at all and have realized that Austin is on the of the drunkest cities around. LOL Just wondering.
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
No Alcohol and cigarettes for this girl. Yuck.
I rarely drink. If I do, it's a glass or two of Champagne at most, sparkling wine or a cab. Two is all it takes to get me drunk. Yes. Seriously. I'm naturally fucking goofy. Give me alcohol and I'm a full on tard. Smoking- nope. Gave that up years ago. But if I have a glass or two of Champagne I want to smoke. You see where this is going!!
Not too often, but I do drink sometimes. I don't see the necessity all the time, I have no shame in going to bars with people and ordering water, but a lot of people seem to look at you funny, oh well.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-09-2014, 04:17 PM
I am just wondering there are any ladies on here that do not drink alcohol. I personally do not drink much at all and have realized that Austin is on the of the drunkest cities around. LOL Just wondering. Originally Posted by mwells78
Not only do our Austin Hoogar's not drink, but the majority of them are virgins. They spend the time between Monger visits studying their biblical verses & working on their cross stitching. Many can be found at homeless shelters selflessly donating their time to those less fortunate than themselves.

Many are former Nuns who decided that the way to help men to salvation was a bit more hands on.

You will find the pristine girl of your dreams on eccie. We all do!

That's hot. You're a dirty bird, sir.
knotty man's Avatar
I can see why the ladies drink.
Would you wanna smoke a bone sober?
I can't drink while providing. Ill get fucked real good then sleep the day away... plus im crazy when I drink lol.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Crazy? As in bat shit crazy ^^^
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I do have an occasional drink, however it is rare and I prefer not to drink before or during sessions. It has happened a couple of times when the guy has brought a bottle of wine, but then it is only one glass. I like to be in control of myself during the session, not under the influence.
My drink of choice most of the time is water or water with mio, crystal light or similar flavoring.
I have given up drinking alcohol. One day at a time (x 34 thus far)..and so it goes. Oh, and no to smoking, as well.

To all the gents who would bring me wine - sparkling water rocks as do the ingredients for my favorite 'mocktail'. PM me if anyone wants the recipe


One of my ATFs is big on small batch bourbons and single malt scotch, especially first thing in the morning before she drops her kids at school.
No alcohol/drugs for me. Outside the hobby, I live a pretty quiet life. Just how I like it.

That's awesome! That there are so many women on here that don't over indulge. I am no saint btw just get tired of seeing everyone so plastered all the time. I have been trying to better my life myself. And I wish I could find a nun like that pic! Lol I thought this might be an interesting friendly topic and was wondering everyone's thoughts on the topic.
Crazy? As in bat shit crazy ^^^ Originally Posted by playingnthedark
Why yes sir crazy of the bat shit variety.

I will either love everyone, or fight everyone lol.