Age LESS with Semen Intake...(could I be misinterpreting? LOL)

tia travels's Avatar
I spent today going through some old magazines I hadn't had a chance to read yet. TIME was one of them
and this was from the February 22, 2010 issue, p. 52.

If I'm reading this correctly, seems like I will probably live longer than those ladies who don't like CIM.
Is this what this article is basically saying?

Hold your laughter. It's not the setup for a joke.
Austrian researchers believe that a compound in human semen can have a dramatic impact on life span.
Biochemists Frank Madeo and Tobias Eisenberg at the University of Graz led
a team to test the effects of a substance known as spermidine.
In yeast, spermidine was shown to increase like span by as much as a factor
of four; in fruit flies, up to 30%; and in worms, up to 15%.
When spermidine was applied to human immune cells, they too lived longer,
with three times as many surviving after 12 days as in a comparison batch.

Spermidine works, the researchers show, by promoting the cellular process of
autophagy--a kind of self cleaning that, Eisenberg says, "removes cellular
garbage such as clumped proteins or damaged or defective cellular organelles."
Those things might otherwise harm the body.
GDLMAN's Avatar
I'd be more than happy to contribute to your life expectancy!
  • on
  • 12-12-2010, 02:30 AM
got spermidine?
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Exactly why we prefer ladies that CIM. We're all about expanding ladies lifes expectancies. I'm so one for TOFTT.
daty/o's Avatar
If I'm reading this correctly, seems like I will probably live longer than those ladies who don't like CIM.
Is this what this article is basically saying? Originally Posted by tia travels
As far as you know.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Do not accept imitations.
This is why my SO will not live forever.
I'd be more than happy to contribute to your life expectancy! Originally Posted by GDLMAN
mtabsw's Avatar
Guess I'll change my sig line -

"helping DFW's finest live longer"
If aging scares you in this biz
Just close your eyes and try some jizz
Save it up inside your cheeks
Cause each drop gives you two more weeks.

True, it's not "The Night Before Christmas".....
TheBizzer's Avatar
I didn't realize Neotek was a Time columnist.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
And the experiments were conducted and reported by men? Go figure....LOL Never mind they haven't tested it with human saliva and stomach acid and the effect the breakdown of the human digestive system will take on spermadine. Propoganda my dear, but keep up the practice! If you love it, I say go for it!!! I know most of the guys do and they'd tell you their's cures the common cold if they thought women would believe it and do it. Hell, I've had 'em tell me all kinda crazy things....all which make laugh, as normally was the intent. Boys are funny manimals and I luv 'em!
I think it is true, hey it's in Time. It likley also has to do with Karma. A lady with this type of love for her fellow MAN should live a long life. I guess those that finish early, will be finished early.

A shout out for all of the great women that are into the sex men love.
So, that's why I don't look my age! (lol)
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I heard these guys were going to start a new make-up company and call it the Youth Factor! I wonder how they will come by the amounts of active ingredient they will need to manufacture the products? Won't it be great to wear it all over our faces all day, every day!? However, I don't think it would be long before the FDA steps in, as there would surely be those out there who would simply drink the stuff....expensive and addictive habit....