Thanking everyone for all they've done

Hey guys I wAnted to thank everyone for all the support and help vie been given these past months. I'm doing much better now and I'm getting myself together along with other stuff as well. I have learned to just smile and brush off any negativity that comes my way. My experiences In life is what makes me who I am today. The strong beautiful young lady who isn't going to let anything or anybody hold me back or tie me down to keep me from succeeding in life. I'm a small girl with big boy dreams : )
I just wanted to let everyone know that I appreciate everything. I'm now looking into schools so I can take a step forward in life as a adult. I'm wanting to go to beauty school and school for fashion designing. I plan to have my own beauty salon by the time I'm 23 and then start school for fashion designing for my future goal of having my own fashion and health&beauty line. I just want everyone to know thAt I'm not a failure and I haven't completely messed up my life. I do have plans and goals for myself, and a lot of you here have helped me in many ways find the true me and gain respect for myself. I hope to return to the hobby world soon and I hope everyone welcomes me back kindly... With that being said..... All horny horn dogs have fun and stay safe: ). Wrap it up!
Love alwAys,
Ashlee summers
I'm sooooo glad that your doing better . You have been through so much and you have so much to look forward to in life. You are a beautiful girl and i see great things in your feature
Best wishes.
Good to see you posting.

Chin up, one foot in front of the other. 90% of life is just showing up, so get showered, get dressed, and be where you are supposed to be. The rest will take care of itself.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
so glad to hear you are doing better, i was just thinking about you!

let me know when you are up to doing hair again
Im happy to see you are doing better, and in good spirits.

Everything will work out for you sweetie. :-)

Huge hugs
Glad to hear things are better!
Stevexox02's Avatar
So glad to hear that you are doing better and moving forward, Ashlee.

... I just want everyone to know thAt I'm not a failure and I haven't completely messed up my life. ... Originally Posted by Ashlee Summers
No one thinks that. No one that really cares.
The important thing is that you dont feel that way about yourself. Or if you ever do, that you do something about it. And it sounds like you are.

... I do have plans and goals for myself, ... Originally Posted by Ashlee Summers
Great, focus on the things that are important and keep moving forward.

Chin up, one foot in front of the other. 90% of life is just showing up, so get showered, get dressed, and be where you are supposed to be. The rest will take care of itself. Originally Posted by cpi3000

... a lot of you here have helped me in many ways find the true me and gain respect for myself. ... Originally Posted by Ashlee Summers
Awesome! . . And a big THANK YOU to those of you who have helped her.

Take good care of yourself, Ashlee. And when you come back, absolutely, you will be welcomed back kindly.

I hate to be the bean counter but do you control your expenses with a budget? One of the first steps (IMO) is to know where your spending $$. I can share with you what has worked in my life; i.e. establishing a weekly and monthly plan. I know this sounds very anal-retentive (as I am) but it needs to be done. PM me if you want me to send you a spreadsheet.
I must have missed what happened?
I am glad to see that everything is getting better for you. Hang in there babe and it will be great.
NeedingMore's Avatar
Here's a horn dog ready to welcome you back
DorkLover's Avatar
Best wished Ashley, you will always be a Princess to me.

It is great to have goals, keep it up, make progress on them every day, and don't ever listen to anyone who tells you that you can't make it.
boo-boo bear's Avatar
You are not a failure, as by your post you have commenced to pull yourself up and get back into this game we call life. We can only be a failure if we let our own selfs and others convince us that it is so.

CPI (and disturbing play on the service ribbons I must say) summed it up well, my take, from many years in the service, as I told my sailors:

All you have to do is be where you are suppose to be, ten minutes before you are suppose to be there, in the uniform you are suppose to be in. This is 90 percent of life, as the other 10 percent is easy as now you not only have made a positive impression, but the remaining 10 percent is easy. Now just do what you are suppose to do in a proper, correct and timely manner.

Hope to visit if, and when, you are back in the hobby!

Keep up the positive attitude and best of luck!
Ashlee, it's great to see Your doin well!, I hope You have a great Christmas, and the new year brings You happiness!!! You are gonna be alright,You have a lot of us that really care about You!