"one of the greatest frauds this country has ever seen"

yeah thats right

this "investigation" of president trump has been a leftist eunuch's wet dream, no there there ever- ..Obama, hellary and their fbi cabal and their water carrying news media , all need to tarred and feathered

From national review:

Former White House attorney John Dowd on Monday disparaged Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as a “one of the greatest frauds this country’s ever seen,” and predicted that Mueller would not produce the comprehensive report so many lawmakers and pundits are anticipating and calling for.

“I don’t think there’ll be a report,” Dowd told ABC News during an interview for the premiere episode of the The Investigation podcast. “I will be shocked if anything regarding the president is made public, other than, ‘We’re done.’”

Mueller is required to provide an accounting of his investigation to the attorney general, who must then decide what information should be shared with Congress and what information, if any, should me made available to the public. Trump’s attorney general nominee, William Barr, told lawmakers during his confirmation hearing that he would like to make public as much information as possible but did not make any specific promises.

Citing his familiarity with Mueller’s investigative tactics, Dowd, who left the White House in March due to disagreements with the president over the extent of his cooperation with investigators, went on to criticize the length and scope of the probe as unwarranted and harmful to the country.

“There’s no basis. There’s no exposure. It’s been a terrible waste of time,” he said. “What’s worse is let’s get on the other side of this, how it all happened. This is one of the greatest frauds this country’s ever seen. And I’m just shocked that Bob Mueller didn’t call it that way and say, ‘I’m being used.’”
Dowd, who was brought on by Trump just one month after the president fired former FBI director James Comey, told ABC that he cooperated extensively with the special counsel’s office during his time in the White House, but would not allow Trump to be interviewed because he believed the president would become confused and make a false statement.

“In my questioning him or talking to him, you know, first question, easy. Second question, easy. Third question, he wasn’t sure. And he doesn’t like being unsure. So he’ll guess,” Dowd said of his interactions with Trump. “There’s your trap, right there. It’s not whether he lies or not. . . . It’s not a matter of integrity. It’s overload.”
I figured the left didn't want to talk about this like they did once upon a time
themystic's Avatar
Is it 37 indictments? That's a lot of deplorable morons. I know No Collusion........LMAO!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-12-2019, 06:07 PM
Dowd, who was brought on by Trump just one month after the president fired former FBI director James Comey, told ABC that he cooperated extensively with the special counsel’s office during his time in the White House, but would not allow Trump to be interviewed because he believed the president would become confused and make a false statement.

“In my questioning him or talking to him, you know, first question, easy. Second question, easy. Third question, he wasn’t sure. And he doesn’t like being unsure. So he’ll guess,” Dowd said of his interactions with Trump. “There’s your trap, right there. It’s not whether he lies or not. . . . It’s not a matter of integrity. It’s overload.” Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Three question overload ! LOL

Then Trump starts guessing or what some might call lying!

Oh and by the way...the right should not want to talk about this...Trump's ex lawyer basically called him a shallow liar.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Does DOTUS float?

If not, then our merry comerades oughta follow their more informed conservative colleagues and cut that fat anchor from around their necks.

Do you honestly think they’re not gonna take down the entire crime family?

Where’s the line for you on Trump?
bambino's Avatar
Is it 37 indictments? That's a lot of deplorable morons. I know No Collusion........LMAO!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! Originally Posted by themystic
And not one pertaining to Trump and Russian collusion.
:woot_ju mp:
winn dixie's Avatar
Nope.. Another "go fish" moment for the libtards. Keep slingin shit till they find something. Like an unpaid parking ticket!
Thats ok.. Before too long we will have a real investigation of cuntillary and odumbo and the crew. That will be fruitful.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nope.. Another "go fish" moment for the libtards. Keep slingin shit till they find something. Like an unpaid parking ticket!
Thats ok.. Before too long we will have a real investigation of cuntillary and odumbo and the crew. That will be fruitful. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I hope you’re lead prosecutor, WD.

The nation needs to hear from you!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
And not one pertaining to Trump and Russian collusion.
:woot_ju mp: Originally Posted by bambino
Or the Trump campaign, right?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Does DOTUS float?

If not, then our merry comerades oughta follow their more informed conservative colleagues and cut that fat anchor from around their necks.

Do you honestly think they’re not gonna take down the entire crime family?

Where’s the line for you on Trump? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you mean the Clinton Mafia?

Or the Trump campaign, right? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

what's the difference?
Dickey9090's Avatar
The fucked up part of this bullshit hoax travesty is, After 2 years of American
People reading watching hearing. Russia Russia Collusion Trump Trump Guilty
People start believing the lies. As a result of this. People get brain washed. They
Start voting for Demtards. That is the reason we lost the house. Now here is the counter point of all this. Which I fucking LOVE. When Mueller and his lowlife
Comrade weissman. Finalize this bullshit. And the American people hear it was ALL LIES. All smoke n mirrors. Guess what will happen in 2020 ?
And the ignorant keep on believing the trump lies. That is fkn amusing to me
And the ignorant keep on believing the trump lies. That is fkn amusing to me Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Who cares?
  • Tiny
  • 02-12-2019, 08:43 PM
The National Review doesn't like Trump, unless something has changed. You can't accuse them of being biased, unless you're a Trump supporter. They however appear just to be quoting Dowd. Dowd is probably closer to the truth than fans of Mueller. This investigation, like Whitewater, is overblown.
And the ignorant keep on believing the trump lies. That is fkn amusing to me Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Yeah, that lying unemployment rate...

Goebbels is spinning in his grave.