P10 North Blonde Sy***y

Any intel or updates on the dancer S****y who used to work days at P10 north on Bratten Lane? I had some promising high-mileage dances with her and exchanged numbers, we texted back and forth, but then she stopped responding. Blonde, mid twenties, small figure, small tits, I think she lives in SA and maybe dances in SA too???
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Hey, she is still at P10 in Austin, I saw her last week. She told me she wasn't repling to me because she has a boyfriend now.
Thanks for the intel. I saw her today.
Does anyone know if S plays OTC? I know she mentioned it to me before. She did reply to my text. Got a few good dances from her too.
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I went out with her once OTC, but it was more like a date with ok fun at the end, drinks, dinner, drinks, deserts, drinks and then finally fun. I think she was trying to wait me out lol
Nice girl, and very bright, mature, and composed, but not worth all the chasing. Pretty clearly (to me anyway), she doesn't really want to be dancing and wants to find a way out, but she's kind of stuck in her present life situation and is struggling to break free of that. She chooses not to drink in the club, for good reasons, and I think that makes it way more of a job and much less fun for her.

I really liked her, but she didn't connect at all with me, so my thoughts may all be bullshit. I stopped texting her because it wasn't going anywhere.