Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry that happened to you.
This was Scsholar
I was involved with him and I will admit this on my end we did have some what oF a relationship.I was never engaged to him. I now know now from a provider he had seen he comfirmed a few questions I still could not answer.
One night after going out drinking and I feel asleep and woke up to condoms all over the room and I do not remember a thing. He just rolled over and told me you were great last night. I felt so disgusted and ashamed and I did stop and pull away from the relationship all together and wished to never see him again. He always came to my place and brought liquir which to me I should of seen as a red flag cause I was sick to my stomach for three days and even a family memebr started to get concern.
I do drink but never to a point where I am sick vomitting for three days. Ever since I stop seeing him never happen again.
He has contacted members of my family to hang out and they do not care to see him,
He has vented to many people about me even acknowledge he did have sex with me while intoxicated. Also admiting to taking the condom off.
I have been checked and I am fine Thank God.
So this is my side of the story. As embarresed as I am right now I am sorry to have to write this .
Originally Posted by Jennatx