Death Threads

  • oeb11
  • 04-25-2020, 02:29 PM
What's The Best Way For Trump Supporters To Commit Suicide
If you were a betting man how would they do it? Whatever they do whatever they choose I hope they make it quick.

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...All on you, Trump! Please do us all a favor and follow your own suggestion and inject yourself with some Lysol today and have some Fabuloso as a chaser! Trump backers - the deaths are on you, too!

Inject yourself with bleach, stick a black light up your asses...Trump has founds the cure for COVID-19! ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)

Trump, inject yourself with Agent Orange.... ( 1 2)

Comment - by oeb11- Interesting - How the Fascist DPST devotees devolve to death threads against those of a different opinion. How they have no respect for Freedom of speech and Opinion - and no respect for the sanctity of Life and Liberty for those they choose to have a different opinion with.

It makes a statement about their adherence to the concepts of Rule of law of our Constitution, and tolerance for Others. This from the "supposedly" party of "Tolerance and inicludsivity" - which in reality with their Anti-Fa inflicts pain and assault on anyone of an opinion not sanctioned by the DPST narrative.

AOC, Omar, and Tlaib - along with Women's March linda Sarsour - and others who are vehemently Racist anti-Semitic in the DPST party - why do Jewish people belong to the DPST party that hates them so? The underlying hatred of the party is exposed on so many fronts.

It is a sad commentary of the character and fixation of hatred on the part of the DPST party and its' adherents. It is a shame, and pathetic.

and Disgusting is their hatred in all its' forms!!!

So i ask You - are these people to be in control of America - their hatred will be used to destroy the Constitution, enforce adherence to the narrative, and woe to Those who are deviant to the narrative - Prison, camps, bloody walls, and Ovens are in their Future .
HedonistForever's Avatar
I recently posted a segment from Tucker Carlson on the Michigan Democrat lawmaker who was expelled from the Democratic party for thanking Trump for mentioning Hydroxychloroquine which she credits for saving her life.

So this is where the Democrat Party is in America. You may not thank the President of the United States for ANYTHING including possibly saving your life because we hate this person so much that his name may not be mentioned and if you do, you will be punished. The hate is so thick you can cut it with a knife. And these are people you want in charge of this country?
They want to kill the USA with liberalism.

Best we just peaceably split up into two countries since both sides hate the other.
HedonistForever's Avatar
They want to kill the USA with liberalism.

Best we just peaceably split up into two countries since both sides hate the other. Originally Posted by friendly fred

The Liberals can keep California as long as the Conservatives keep Florida.
  • oeb11
  • 04-25-2020, 04:18 PM
I recently posted a segment from Tucker Carlson on the Michigan Democrat lawmaker who was expelled from the Democratic party for thanking Trump for mentioning Hydroxychloroquine which she credits for saving her life.

So this is where the Democrat Party is in America. You may not thank the President of the United States for ANYTHING including possibly saving your life because we hate this person so much that his name may not be mentioned and if you do, you will be punished. The hate is so thick you can cut it with a knife. And these are people you want in charge of this country? Originally Posted by HedonistForever

i agree with u , HF , about the hatred of the DPST's. far from trying to fix it - (not possible) - the more they take their hateful actions in internecine intra party warfare - the more people they will polarize against them as radicals. The thinking "Moderates" will look for alternatives - and there is an inclusive open, and equal opportunity alternative to the closed, hateful, narrative fixated DPST's.

They are already pushing senile Joe the Far Left with socialist soylent green platform planks - and the more the merrier - they are sealing their own fate in Nov 2020 with the AOC Squad led DPSR socialist Radicalism!!
let 'em bring it - Senile Joe cannot withstand their demands as he is not mentally capable to do so.

Let the DPST's bring their hate and Lock step Brownshirt national Socialist tactics - and let them require their Radical Party Purity - no disagreements allowed!!!!
let 'em bring It - right over the edge like lemmings!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I recently posted a segment from Tucker Carlson on the Michigan Democrat lawmaker who was expelled from the Democratic party for thanking Trump for mentioning Hydroxychloroquine which she credits for saving her life.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
why do you keep lying? she was not expelled, and has not been censured yet.. she MIGHT be.

but it won't be for thanking Trump. it will be for exalting a cure for the virus that has been shown to be dangerous by the Medical Community.
  • oeb11
  • 04-25-2020, 05:18 PM
CT - hydroxychloroquine is released by the FDA for clinical use.

And an exception was made for coronavirus tratment specifically.

All meds are poisons - it simply depends on the dosage and schedule.

u are just parroting DPST propaganda.
The Liberals can keep California as long as the Conservatives keep Florida. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
and Texas....
Chung Tran's Avatar
CT - hydroxychloroquine is released by the FDA for clinical use.

And an exception was made for coronavirus tratment specifically.
Originally Posted by oeb11
doesn't mean it was a good move. they were pressured by the lack of ventilators that Trump wouldn't secure

really, it was done under mild duress. you don't agree with most of what the WHO has to say, why defend the FDA?
bambino's Avatar
doesn't mean it was a good move. they were pressured by the lack of ventilators that Trump wouldn't secure

really, it was done under mild duress. you don't agree with most of what the WHO has to say, why defend the FDA? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Duress? You have zero proof of that, because there wasn’t any. Just like Russian Collusion. Ventilators? We have far more now than what we need and will have a nice stockpile going forward. Is your fertile mind on overload making bullshit up lately.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
it won't be for thanking Trump. it will be for exalting a cure for the virus that has been shown to be dangerous by the Medical Community.
I’m hopeful you’re not dumb enough to actually believe that.
bambino's Avatar
I’m hopeful you’re not dumb enough to actually believe that. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I’m hopeful you’re not that naive to believe he isn’t.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The Liberals can keep California as long as the Conservatives keep Florida. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
There are a large number of our conservative brothers and sisters in eastern California. We need to liberate them for the sake of humanity.
  • oeb11
  • 04-26-2020, 06:35 AM
doesn't mean it was a good move. they were pressured by the lack of ventilators that Trump wouldn't secure

really, it was done under mild duress. you don't agree with most of what the WHO has to say, why defend the FDA? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

CT - not an answer - just deflection to false generalizations on your part.

Ventilators and a hospital ship were secured for NY - and mostly unused.

Even Cuomo of all people complemented Trump on his help for NY
the WHO and FDA are totally separate - in case U were unaware - the WHO and its leader Tedros are subverted by China to their special interests - and their behavior and performance has been an abysmal failure for the world - as they seek to repay china for all their money.

You have a criticism of the FDA - spell it Out !!!

Rather than deflections to false generalizations!

Op thinks this thread has been diverted from the original intent - to show the Fascist DPST's advocacy of threats of death for anyone disagreeing with the DPST narrative agenda.

as shown by posts from the Far-Leftists posters.

got a comment - or just let it lie in passive support of their foul posts???
There are a large number of our conservative brothers and sisters in eastern California. We need to liberate them for the sake of humanity. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
That's a good point. Poor bastards.