The Anecdote to This.. is THIS!

Chung Tran's Avatar
Biden could be hurt by...

but if he responds with

it's all over for the Big T!

admit it.. you know it's true. Michelle Obama is the dagger in Trump's side... IF she accepts!
Michelle Obama is nothing but a Drag Queen. Having a senile dumb fuck as president and a transformer as Vice President is nothing but a disaster waiting to happen. Now I can understand why the Dems would like something better than Trump as President but let's be real Two natural dummies like Joe Biden and Michelle Obama isn't going to cut it.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you really mean antidote?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Do you really mean antidote? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
anecdotally, yes, I meant antidote

is anyone going to agree though? Oeb11 said it months ago, that Michelle would whoop Trump. she would, even as the VP candidate. call her whatever names you want, but it's true.
anecdotally, yes, I meant antidote

is anyone going to agree though? Oeb11 said it months ago, that Michelle would whoop Trump. she would, even as the VP candidate. call her whatever names you want, but it's true. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Well if that's you want someone who can beat Trump, let's say you get your wish. What comes next? Do you really think this drag and this fucking old fool are really going to team up to benefit this country with the people in mind?
Biden could be hurt by...

but if he responds with

it's all over for the Big T!

admit it.. you know it's true. Michelle Obama is the dagger in Trump's side... IF she accepts! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I don't see how she would really help. African Americans are already going to vote for Biden in huge numbers - they proved that in the primaries.

He needs an Asian or Hispanic female to help him, if that would help him - but since he said a woman would be his pick, if she is white, the diversity police will be pissed off.

The diversity people agree on one thing - white people suck.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't see how she would really help. African Americans are already going to vote for Biden in huge numbers - they proved that in the primaries. Originally Posted by friendly fred

true, Biden has the Black vote already, but Michelle could cause massive interest in the Election itself. I think she will pull a good 5% of White votes that would otherwise take Trump, or stay home. that is a lot of votes.

Well if that's you want someone who can beat Trump, let's say you get your wish. What comes next? Do you really think this drag and this fucking old fool are really going to team up to benefit this country with the people in mind? Originally Posted by Levianon17
nope.. merely making an arm's length observation.
true, Biden has the Black vote already, but Michelle could cause massive interest in the Election itself. I think she will pull a good 5% of White votes that would otherwise take Trump, or stay home. that is a lot of votes.

nope.. merely making an arm's length observation. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Is Michelle in favor of legalizing prostitution?

That might get her a few votes from old white men....
HedonistForever's Avatar
Biden could be hurt by...

but if he responds with

it's all over for the Big T!

admit it.. you know it's true. Michelle Obama is the dagger in Trump's side... IF she accepts! Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Biden will not be hurt by the accusation because unlike what Democrats said about "all women should be believed" Democrats and the Democrat led MSM simply don't care if it's true. Hell, I proved it the other day with an editorial By Leonard Pitts one of the leading Liberal Black columnist in the country who reluctantly admitted as much.

"Defeating Donald Trump is more important than whether Joe Biden sexually assaulting a woman" were his words.

As for Michelle Obama, if she had no interest in being President which she said she didn't and her not running proved that, she sure as hell isn't going to accept VP waiting for her party to finally use that 25th Amendment gambit they were so eager to use on Trump.

I think you may have had it right in one of your early posts. Biden said it will be a woman and it simply has to be a Black woman and that is a very short list.

Did you see the interview of Abrams virtually saying that if Biden doesn't pick HER, he will be considered a racist? Ops, that might be a bit of obfuscation" to CT.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Speaking of old, white men...would Michelle bring the Bernie bros over to Joe?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Heads exploding.

I still think that anybody who isn’t Donald J. Trump will be good enough for about 70 percent of your citizens.

The most infected nation on the planet. Yous think Trump survives that? Even Yanks aren’t that dim, eh?
true, Biden has the Black vote already, but Michelle could cause massive interest in the Election itself. I think she will pull a good 5% of White votes that would otherwise take Trump, or stay home. that is a lot of votes.

nope.. merely making an arm's length observation. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
What an observation. The only way this country will ever be great again is if there is a Civil War right in the halls of Congress. We need to cull the heard of these Bio Hazards called Politicians.
LexusLover's Avatar
Biden could be hurt by...'s all over for the Big T!

admit it.. you know it's true. Michelle Obama is the dagger in Trump's side... IF she accepts! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You seem to have forgotten MULESHELL's speech on how sad she felt for being an "American" ..... she was embarrassed about it.

It will make a lovely 30 second ad....

...but what would you know about bringing a dagger to a gun battle?

BTW: How's her "freedom" garden doing at the White House? Is she still trying to feed school kids her "healthy meals"? She's a failure ... not to mention that the wives of former Presidents don't do well hanging on to their husband's coattails.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
....Michelle Obama is the dagger in Trump's side... IF she accepts! Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Former President Valery Jarret already said Moochele will NOT run.

So i t has been written.

So it is done.
  • oeb11
  • 04-26-2020, 06:20 AM
anecdotally, yes, I meant antidote

is anyone going to agree though? Oeb11 said it months ago, that Michelle would whoop Trump. she would, even as the VP candidate. call her whatever names you want, but it's true. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

CT - I don't remember advocating Michelle obama as a serious political candidate - despite her personal popularity. Likely written in satire - she ain't giving up martha's Vineyard for the White house again.

If One requires a black female to pair with biden ( so he can snuggle and sniff) - I still suggest Stacey Abrams as the best possible match for the DPST putative nominee Biden.

In order to put the DPST socialism Agenda in it's place in the trash can, that is.