Just checking...

texassapper's Avatar
You liberals still?

A. Yay, Biden! Best POTUS ever!


B. Yay, Candidate X! They will be best POTUS ever!

Just wondering how long it's gonna take before you all roll on Biden, when everyone else has known he hasn't been in charge of anything for months.

But you believe the government and the media propaganda outlets... LOL

A Parkinson's disease specialist has visited the White House residence medical clinic at least nine times since July 2023
ICU 812's Avatar
My college roommate is a retired PhD in math . . . how can he be a liberal?

My high school pal was our class valedictorian has a master's in computer science and worked for IBM for thirty years . . .how canHE be a liberal?
adav8s28's Avatar
Would like to see Biden step down or take a cognitive test and pass it. The one that the doctor from CNN was talking about.

Never Trump, Never "Lying" Ted Cruz. I don't want either of those two anywhere near the White House.
Would like to see Biden step down or take a cognitive test and pass it. The one that the doctor from CNN was talking about.

Never Trump, Never "Lying" Ted Cruz. I don't want either of those two anywhere near the White House. Originally Posted by adav8s28
The only thing Biden can pass is gas and sometimes it's probably a little chunky. You're asking way too much from that fool.
adav8s28's Avatar
The only thing Biden can pass is gas and sometimes it's probably a little chunky. You're asking way too much from that fool. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Some people think the same thing about Trump. In the debate, he did not have any freeze outs or delayed speech. Trump just lied 28 times. If Biden and Trump have another debate, they should put in the fact checking.

@Lev17, You should not make any plans to try out at the comedy club. Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel don't have to worry about their jobs.
Many liberals never wanted Biden to begin with. They just wanted the best chance to keep Trump out. Go ahead and call it TDS. The BDS is just as bad. The consultations for Parkinsons are not new. Biden has even answered questions about that directly.
texassapper's Avatar
lol. The cope is real real.
Precious_b's Avatar
You liberals still? .... Originally Posted by texassapper
As in silent?
Not moving?
Not changing in habits?
Or maybe they naturally make alcohol.
ICU 812's Avatar
From my reading of the op, the topic is whether or not lliberals have become conservatives, or whether Democrats have become Republicans. . . . .not whether or not President Biden should (or will) step down or withdraw his candidacy.
Precious_b's Avatar
From my reading of the op, the topic is whether or not lliberals have become conservatives, or whether Democrats have become Republicans. . . . .not whether or not President Biden should (or will) step down or withdraw his candidacy. Originally Posted by ICU 812
The clouds of confusion keep getting seeded.
txdot-guy's Avatar
From my reading of the op, the topic is whether or not lliberals have become conservatives, or whether Democrats have become Republicans. . . . .not whether or not President Biden should (or will) step down or withdraw his candidacy. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I can tell you right now that more conservatives are voting democrat than liberals voting republican. Donald Trump and the Supreme Court has alienated large segments of the more moderate republican base. I can see why people might stop voting for Biden but I have a hard time believing that they will switch their vote to ol’ schitzenpants.
Would like to see Biden step down or take a cognitive test and pass it. The one that the doctor from CNN was talking about.

Never Trump, Never "Lying" Ted Cruz. I don't want either of those two anywhere near the White House. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Cognitive test is stupid and some bullshit that trump came up with to instill doubt about Biden's health. The tests questions are not that difficult and anyone that fails them is in extreme decline. I know all ya magats will just say Biden is in extreme decline already and it just isn't the case.

Besides, any results are covered under HIPAA privacy laws, the president isn't exempt from this.

This is what a test entails.
  1. Knowledge of time, place and person: You’ll be asked the current date, your location and your name.
  2. Attention and short-term learning: You’ll be asked to recall a short list of items.
  3. Concentration: You’ll be asked to spell five-letter words forward, then backward.
  4. Short-term recall: You’ll be asked to recall objects you were shown or sounds you heard a couple of minutes ago.
  5. Short-term memory: You’ll be asked to describe an event that happened in the past day or two.
  6. Long-term memory: You’ll be asked to describe an event from the distant past.
  7. Abstract thinking: You’ll be asked to name the relation between several objects (such as cats, horses, dogs [are all animals]), explain the meaning of a proverb or common saying (such as “actions speak louder than words”) or finish an analogy (such as “glove is to hand as [blank] is to foot”).
  8. Ability to use language: You’ll be asked to name objects and read, write and repeat phrases.
  9. Language comprehension: You’ll be asked to perform a simple task that includes a body part and an understanding of right and left (such as, place your right hand on your left knee).
  10. Ability to understand the relationship between objects or people: You’ll be asked to draw a clock with its hands pointing to a specific time or draw a house.
  11. Perform a specific action: You’ll be asked to show how to brush your teeth.
  12. Perform mathematical functions: You’ll be asked to subtract a certain number from a high number and continue subtracting the same certain number from that answer.
  13. Assess judgment: You’ll listen to a situation and be asked what you’d do. For example, “If you saw a person who was injured, what would you do?”

This is another one called SAGE for self administered. The top questionnaire isn't even scored.

Ya'll act like a cognitive test is like taking the SAT.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
A Parkinson's disease specialist has visited the White House residence medical clinic at least nine times since July 2023
Parkinson’s would explain a lot. If one was in his 40s or 50s he MIGHT be able to deal with it long enough to make it to early retirement. But in your 80s..forget about it.

As much as I disapprove of Joe Biden… I wouldn’t wish that horrible disease on anyone.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It's not the SAT, Roy but Biden would still fail it miserably and probably already has. Let's be honest, if he could pass it, he would have openly and with full transparency taken the test and HIPAA be damned because he would want the world to know. He knows he can't pass a thorough cognitive test and so do his advisers.

Don't get me wrong though, Biden could show up in a fucking casket next week and I would still take him or anyone else over Trump's wannabe Putin ass because you don't give power to an asshole like Trump who believes he is above the law. And quite frankly, has stacked the Supreme Court enough in his favor that he very well may be if reelected.

And for the OP, I'm certainly not a liberal and I don't give a shit what the media says. I have my own eyes and ears to form my own opinion. I don't need some media schmuck or news outlet to tell me what to think like many bozos in this forum do.