What do I do when I'm being threatened by a member on here? He's threatening that of I don't see him once a month for free he will post all my personal information and everything. I don't know what to do
Originally Posted by SeductivelyYours
Well, this one is easy. If you have his phone # just use a reverse phone lookup website. Like Spokeo or intelius, it really cheap and very effective, once you get that information you can use that to dig more info like Facebook, work number address and relatives information. It's all very down hill from there. All you have to do is create a new email account, copy the messages and reviews and attach them to an email and send the email to his work place and and family members etc. unless he has nothing to lose that should be enough to deter his ass from messing with you, and being an ass hole. And then just grab a chair and a bag of popcorn and watch.
Good luck.