Welcome to the Walking Living Legend- Firephoenix

FirePhoenix's Avatar
Hi,I mainly based out if Austin,tx. Over a year now I have been stalked,harassed,and so many other things that will never sit well with anyone that has participated, heard of,or lived though. Eccie MODS such as Ztonk,just to name one such MOD has known of this and has chosen to be a part of the prosecution of me and favoritism towards people that willing commit such mentally ill acts of stalking. I know I'm not the only victim of such stalking due to the fact of the organization, time spent,money spent,hacking of accounts,trading of information that could have only come from a pm,and so many more reasons. This type of stalking issues are a well known UTR secret. Point is,I'm not the only victim of these crimes. So I will be posting threads and various links and if you choose to look at it all ,cool. If you choose not to, cool. I will not be answering any posts due to the fact I will be busy posting in all city forums as well as every sex site that I can find. I still can't believe how behind the time in internet technology eccie is. What a pain in everyone's ass it is.



DocHolyday's Avatar
Why are you taking your beef with Z to this Board?? You’re both based in Austin. Keep your drama there.