What the Obama Democrats have Given to America....

When the Pelosi Democrats took control of Congress on January 4, 2007, the national debt stood at $8,670,596,242,973.04. The last day of the 111th Congress and Pelosi’s Speakership on December 22, 2010 the national debt was $13,858,529,371,601.09 – a roughly $5.2 trillion increase in just four years. Furthermore, the year over year federal deficit has roughly quadrupled during Pelosi’s four years as speaker, from $342 billion in fiscal year 2007 to an estimated $1.6 trillion at the end of fiscal year 2010....

Remember your civic lessons people: The President proposes (budget) and Congress disposses (spends)....
None of that was to pay the interest on "charged" wars or to save the corporations who supported the Republican candidates, was it?

You are so transparently uninformed, Whirlaway.

Reagan would switch parties AGAIN if he could see the SCOTUS, Citizens United and the deregulation that allowed the theft on Wall Street and in lending institutions.

I see you didn't watch the link I posted on Brooksley Born or even Google her. How are you going to get smart enough to make a difference posting here? Watching Fox?

jhende3's Avatar
How much did the wars that Nancy start cost anyway. They must have been free!
Are you talking about the wars Bush made George Tenet lie to congress about in order to sell them on the WMD idea, jhende?
You mean the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that the Democratic Party overwhelmingly have voted to support; or the Libyia war that isn't a war?

The same wars that Obama has surged and expanded; and hasn't insisted that they be paid for during his reign?

BTW; when the Democrats controlled the House and Senate for all those years; they could have put Pay-Go in place for the wars...but they didn't....they were more interested in ramming thru Obamacare and the trillions in un-funded entitlements that is choking our economy.
H Ha Ha - you seem to forget how many times the GOP threatened a filibuster and Bush threatened a veto - go check and see if the Dems had even half as many.

Hell, the paid for GOP is still fighting Elizabeth Warren's appointment because their corporate puppeteers know she won't let them game the system any longer.

Poor babies! Somebody might make the people that own K Street quit stealing!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
stevie, go to 60 minutes overtime, where the FBI agent that was with Sadam for the 6 months(?) Sadam told him as soon as the heat off he would start building them again. The guy was a bad as Hitler and you wanted him to stay in power?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Three major sources of debt recently: Stimulus (made necessary by Bush's incompetence); Bush's tax cuts (enacted by Bush); and the two wars (started by Bush, but foolishly continued too long by Obama).

This article will show you how much each one contributed to our current situation:


Or this article:


But if you're too lazy to read, here's the punch line:

Ha...CBPP is a left wing George Soros funded operation; who don't have an objective bone in their make up....they analyze everything through the prism of "social justice" and as a class war between "the have and have nots."

They are a useful arm of the Obama zombies, as your post has proven.

BTW, I don't disagree that the 2 wars were expensive, contributed to the debt and should have been paid for, or not waged.....but that blame lies with the Democrats who had super majoriites in the House and Senate, could have voted to stop funding, or Pay Go (to apply). After all it is the House that controls spending.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Are you talking about the wars Bush made George Tenet lie to congress about in order to sell them on the WMD idea, jhende? Originally Posted by Little Stevie
I disagree with the assertion that anybody lied. The attack was based on the best intel the Clinton administration left in place.

I disagree with the assertion that anybody lied. The attack was based on the best intel the Clinton administration left in place. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
If the dems in public office didn't agree with the wars, why have they been funded since the dems took congress in 2006? It's the congress that has the purse strings. Also, the dems had a trifecta super-majority and they still didn't defund the wars. The War debt is still BOTH parties responsibility.
.... and the two wars (started by Bush, but foolishly continued too long by Obama). Originally Posted by TexTushHog
This is how mind fucked some of you Democratic Socialists are. The war in Afghanistan was started by bin Laden on 9/11. Bush had the full backing of the Democrats in Congress at the time to attack Afghanistan to dislodge al Qaeda and the Taliban.

We can debate Iraq all day but to say that GWB started the war in Afghanistan is utter bullshit.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Lets be thankful that Pelosi got kicked to the curb when she did. Democrats and Republicans have been given enough chances at destroying this country and both parties have failed the people they represent. The candidates don't give a shit, their just in it for themselves and to get their palms greased. I'm voting Libertarian or Green Party, someone else needs a chance to get things right in this country.