Cover of Vogue, trying to be relevant...............

And their love fest pr laughably concludes..........

Wendy Davis is smart. She can see the chess game five moves out.
Nice wheels.

Whirly'tard is completely intimidated. Anytime you hear a winger bleating about the liberal media, you can bet it's a dodge to avoid having to deal with an inconvenient fact. And, the fact is that Wendy scares Whirly.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Nice wheels.

Whirly'tard is completely intimidated. Anytime you hear a winger bleating about the liberal media, you can bet it's a dodge to avoid having to deal with an inconvenient fact. And, the fact is that Wendy scares Whirly. Originally Posted by timpage
I'll give it to you that in that pose, in that dress, at that angle, she looks good for an old lady. But, put her in a swimsuit out in the harsh glare of the sun, and cellulite might be a problem. She isn't even a lock to win her own district, let alone Governor, Timmy boy - so perhaps your femdom fantasies should be tampered down a bit.

Wendy Davis is smart. She can see the chess game five moves out.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway

she's smart and according to the media....

bush, reagan, ford, quayle, palin, and bachman are stupid and evil

and all the rest of the republicans are evil unless running for president then they are also stupid

its really sick, the warped fourth estate

but the good thing is, at least for the last little while, their attempts to hide their partisanship melt like so much cotton candy
I'll give it to you that in that pose, in that dress, at that angle, she looks good for an old lady. But, put her in a swimsuit out in the harsh glare of the sun, and cellulite might be a problem. She isn't even a lock to win her own district, let alone Governor, Timmy boy - so perhaps your femdom fantasies should be tampered down a bit. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Everybody over the age of 18 looks bad in those circumstances big boy.....flip on your Speedo, grab your camera and take us some photos beside your above-ground pool and post 'em up. We'll see how good you look.....

And, who said shit about her winning governor or her district? Not me. I just want to bang her.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-16-2013, 11:58 AM
she's smart and according to the media....

bush, reagan, ford, quayle, palin, and bachman are stupid and evil

and all the rest of the republicans are evil unless running for president then they are also stupid

its really sick, the warped fourth estate

but the good thing is, at least for the last little while, their attempts to hide their partisanship melt like so much cotton candy Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

BAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAAA ... if Davis sat down at a debate table with Palin or Bachman ( the other names you mentioned are irrelevant) in front of a national audience the tea party would be really sick ...

be afraid, be very afraid ... which obviously you are.

she's smart and according to the media....

bush, reagan, ford, quayle, palin, and bachman are stupid and evil

and all the rest of the republicans are evil unless running for president then they are also stupid

its really sick, the warped fourth estate

but the good thing is, at least for the last little while, their attempts to hide their partisanship melt like so much cotton candy Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Wendy Davis is smart. Again, it might be an inconvenient fact for, you have to attack the magazine that reports it in order to be able to avoid dealing with it?

It's all you idiots know how to do anymore. Attack the integrity of the person reporting the facts. Global warming? It's the scientists being paid off by the government. A decision from a judge you don't like? Must be a judicial activist. Research from a university you disagree with? Liberal elites. Bullshit.

But then you morons turn around and support idiotic propositions like the President was born in Kenya, or he is a socialist, or the government is filled with communists or we are about to become a totalitarian state.

Why are the ranks of the conservatives filled with idiots?
Again Timmyboy thinks like the village idiot; thinking I am intimidated by the likes of Wendy Davis

I hope she runs against Abbott........

We know Abbott supports the restrictions on abortions after 20+ weeks; but the WD supporters can't tell us where she stands !

I would say the WD supporters are intimidated by pro life voters; they are trying to hide their candidate's support for infanticide!
Again Timmyboy thinks like the village idiot; thinking I am intimidated by the likes of Wendy Davis

I hope she runs against Abbott........

We know Abbott supports the restrictions on abortions after 20+ weeks; but the WD supporters can't tell us where she stands !

I would say the WD supporters are intimidated by pro life voters; they are trying to hide their candidate's support for infanticide! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
One-trick pony.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wendy Davis is smart but like so many pols is self serving. That little stunt she pulled helped only one person, her. It did not stop the law from being passed and it never intended to. It just put a spotlight on Ms Davis.

You've all heard of Rosa Parks. She was just a little old lady who refused to go to the back of the bus. Not quite true. She was an activist for civil rights and they needed a statement and a hero. Several people did what she did but her actions caught the imagination of the media.

Same thing for Plessy of Plessy v Ferguson. Plessy was an activist in New Orleans and for all intents and purposes was white. The conductor knew him and was part of the action. The press picked up on it and a legend was born. The only problem is that they expected a different result from the Supreme Court. They expected to overturn some noxious laws and not that all things would be equal.

The point is that media is complicit in creating a hero template. They look for someone to promote. Sometimes like Sandra Fluke it is a disastor. Some people like Ms Davis go looking for the media with a plan.

Yes, Ms Davis is smart and photogenic but she is self serving (not a crime) and is trying to go around the law rather than change the law. Bad combination from any political point of view. She is your problem though. We have Claire McCaskill.
Does WD support restrictions on abortions after 20 weeks ?

Most Texans do....does WD ?

It is laughable that you support (no hide) a candidate and can't (no won't) tell us where she stands on the single issue that has put her on the big stage .

Now watch the one trick pony response................waitin g..

One-trick pony. Originally Posted by timpage
12blue4u's Avatar
Since 90% of all media is owned by Republicans it is a little hard for me to see who the "liberal" media is.
Link please to support your absurd claim.

Since 90% of all media is owned by Republicans it is a little hard for me to see who the "liberal" media is. Originally Posted by 12blue4u
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-16-2013, 12:52 PM
Link please to support your absurd claim. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

who keeps reminding the board Fox is #1 ?
How many times do I have to tell you, Whirly'tard? I don't know. And, I don't care. I've explained to you over and over and over again why her opposition to the bill has sparked such an interest in her. And, despite how badly you want to frame it in terms of this same question that you keep asking over and aren't going to be able to. You just look stupid.

Does WD support restrictions on abortions after 20 weeks ?

Most Texans do....does WD ?

It is laughable that you support (no hide) a candidate and can't (no won't) tell us where she stands on the single issue that has put her on the big stage .

Now watch the one trick pony response................waitin g.. Originally Posted by Whirlaway