Brooklyn DA condones Prostitution!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
One of his ADA's called hookers from the office phone and didn't get fired!!!

If I were back in New York I would vote for him!!
It wasn't exactly "condoned".

From the article: "Politically connected rackets prosecutor Mark Posner, 37, was then quietly transferred to a much lower-profile post, two law-enforcement sources said."

And "'As soon as we learned of this conduct by ADA Mark Posner, District Attorney Charles Hynes immediately suspended him for 10 days without pay, ordered him to seek counseling and transferred him to ECAB,' said DA spokesman Jerry Schmetterer."

Translation: He DID get busted for it.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Spritzer had to resign after getting caught doing what we all love. So, I would say if you get nailed using a prosecutor's office phone to hire hookers, and you are a prosecutor, not getting fired is tantamount to condoning it.
Can you imagine how hard prostitution busts will be for prosecutors now?
They suspended him for 10 days for essentially trying to break the law??

Love the hypocrisy in that statement.
monica_mistress's Avatar
They suspended him for 10 days for essentially trying to break the law??

Love the hypocrisy in that statement. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69