New Roadrunner cartoon in digital! Gotta watch

If you are a fan (or not) of the Roadrunner cartoons, here is a good laugh.

This is the first one done with computer graphics.

Lots can be done with computer graphics that would be far more expensive to do in drawn animation.

For instance.......note the reflection in the stainless tanker as it speeds past the rock-face.

The computer graphics look good! And it still has that old Roadrunner fun.

Only 3 minutes, but it's 3 minutes of fun.
rachet3375's Avatar
Great Stuff! Remember all the original stuff and wonder what those guys could have done with CGI back then. Their frame by frame talent/artistry was amazing! Don't make cartoons like they used to so maybe this is a return for the new generation, hope so. Thanks, GM
caseytx's Avatar
Pretty damn cool!!
tia travels's Avatar
I feel bad for the coyote. Always have. LOL
Damn the luck!!
DallasRain's Avatar