Irish Humor +1

O.K., that was funny!
tia travels's Avatar
That was hilarious...esp. being a woman and knowing what that's like. I really enjoyed her comment at 4:13.
  • Sami
  • 04-06-2011, 09:30 PM
Very good...
lmao... Gotta love Brit Humor
Idina's Avatar
  • Idina
  • 04-08-2011, 10:42 AM
I'm crying laughing so hard. Thanks for sharing this. It's brilliant.
Hugbuddy, that one truly is priceless! It also could have been entitled, "This is why you should always see a professional for your waxing services."

However, as a regular recipient of male Brazilian waxing, I would argue that its representation of the pain/discomfort associated with the process is grossly exaggerated. Bikini waxing, per se, does not even remove hair from the inner sanctum (i.e. genitalia); only the Brazilian does that. Furthermore, when they get to the crown jewels, I can assure you that they do not use wide strips; hair is removed from much smaller areas and a different type of wax is used for these sensitive areas.