The hate here....

rooster's Avatar fucking palpable. And certainly I have had my role in it. was mostly in reaction to stoopid things said about things like COVID and hooks with tendies. Dumb stuff. And in RL, those here who know me know that I am not at all a mean or unreasonable person.


I used to (mistakenly) believe that anyone that participated in this "hobby" would tend towards the objective, more tolerant side of things. It has been disappointing to find out how wrong I was.

The ignorance was of my own doing, a false optimism.

I never used to come here... into the Sandbox. And it ends up it was for good reason. So now, I'm back to my old habits, ignoring most of it.

And I sure as hell am not gonna get dragged back down into the dark hole of responding to most of the ridiculous shit that gets posted here. It is too damn demoralizing.

How TF are we ever gonna make things better when many of us are so filled with vitriole and are unwilling to make the slightest societal concessions if they at all "infringe" on our goddam "rights"?

Why would ANYONE believe the likes of Carlson, Pelosi, Gore, or McConnell? They talk about things like Free Markets, NATO, Green Energy, and Recycling....yet they are all scams that are controlled by big defense, big oil, big agriculture, and big mining.

All of these assholes are uber-rich, self-serving idiots who only care about their power and lifestyle. They sure as fuck don't care about your kids or your grand-kids. Let alone you.

And now, three Billion people on the other side of the world all want two cars and a McMansion also. They are gonna burn their coal and forests to do it. And we are gonna tell them they can't? From what moral high ground? How do ya thinck we got so fucking rich in the first place? Now they say it is their turn.

Meanwhile, China is using technology to implement a police state that is unprecedented in human history. Russia is gonna have their way with Eastern Europe again. BOTH are gonna stake their claims in the Middle East. And we ain't gonna be able to do a goddam thing about any of it without igniting a second sun....

You are being spoon-fed your news from only one or two sources...whether you know it or not. And they are taking advantage of you to make money from clicks.

Wake the fuck up. This planet and our society cannot tolerate your intolerance. Or your naivety. Or your offensive lack of humility.

Or....your incredible lack of compassion for those less fortunate. Which....when it comes right down to what you are. Fortunate. Plain and simple. You didn't get to where you are by having a good "work ethic" or a "strong family upbringing."

Yeah, those were factors....small ones, in the grand scheme. Certainly ya coulda fucked those advantages up. Many did.

But the real truth is that you got where you are by being born in the right place at the right time. And to "forefathers" who burned everything combustible and killed everything that they could profit from, man or beast.


Time now fer the N-word to chime in with a simplistic post or three about my mental stability. This rant is certainly disjointed enough to call it into question. But enjoy it, dude. I shan't leave you with such a target-rich environment again. Read my signature line. And your own, fer that matter....


...remember what it was like the last time we all united against a common threat and had compassion for our fellow citizens who were murdered to make a "point." I fear we will never come together in that way again. We no longer have it in us. Prove me wrong. Please.
