Once again darlin... I was simply trying to offer you a suggestion based on a lot of years experience that when planning these kind of things it is better to err on the side of caution and speak in generalities.......Your suggestion and the general tone of your post came across as very condescending, and frankly, after some of your recent posts, I was quite exhausted with your general attitude toward providers and lost my temper a bit... thus the rambling. I apologize to other members who were actively interested in the Happy Hour locations and details.
If gals like you could ever learn when to simply ignore what you don't like to hear you wouldn't end up making such a fool of yourself with a long rambling post like this that served nothing of what you were trying to accomplish with your thread.
Unless what you wanted was a debate on the subject with me in which case you could hit one of the other threads... Originally Posted by Whispers
But "if gals like [me] could ever learn when to simply ignore" what we don't like to hear? Really? I challenge you to find a pattern of me vocalizing my displeasure in Co-Ed or public forums. Go ahead. It hasn't happened very often in the 5 years I've been providing, and I can recall maybe 2-3 times it's happened since I first joined ASPD in 2008. To me, that doesn't echo your sentiment that I'm part of some emotionally-charged sector of providers that simply can't keep their mouths shut. However, your statement does echo the sentiment that we providers have heard so often from you, in various ways: "Lower your donations, shut up, and look pretty."
As far as "making of a fool" of myself, I suppose that's subjective. I've received many compliments on my post, and those that know me also know that it's rare for me to lose my temper or take such great offense that I resort to petty back-and-forth bickering.
I won't speak for others, but I've had enough. I've had enough of the negativity, the hostility, the attitude that providers are stupid or not worth their donations, the lack of support for the general community, and the lack of respect between members.
But I'm not leaving. I'm one of the many providers that advertise here, and we know those ads are the main reason hobbyists flock to this site. But it's also about communication, and developing relationships. And that's not happening in Austin anymore.
I know for a fact that many hobbyists refuse to speak up because they dislike the general attitude on the Austin board. Same for providers. Why are we allowing this to continue if so many of us are appalled by what it's doing to our community?
We providers have options... we can let it continue. We can speak up. Or we can boycott the board. But I, for one, like ECCIE. I like the board design and functionality. I like the fact that it's a prominent advertising site. I like that I've been able to cultivate so many lasting friendships that began here. And overall, I like the sense of camaraderie. But overall, I don't like what's happening in Austin Co-Ed, and I definitely dislike the manipulative ways certain members attempt to control the board atmosphere and play "armchair quarterback" with the moderators or advise the ladies to keep their mouths shut when things don't go their way.
I'm tired of this negativity ruining my attitude about a world I quite enjoy, and bringing my fellow providers and even hobbyists down. Even if we put certain people on "Ignore," we'll still hear from others when things get out of hand. It's incredibly frustrating to feel like there's nothing I can do to counteract the hostility. Yes, I lose my temper at times, as well, but I don't make it a habit of making personal attacks on others. Nor do I pop into Co-Ed complaining that the men are cheap, try to stay too long, or could stand to lose about 15 pounds. Even then, I don't complain when hobbyists talk openly about how we're charging more than we're "worth" (as if that's anyone else's determination to make but ours), ended the session on time (Oh no! A "clockwatcher!"), or comment publicly on our weight, appearance or age in a manner meant only to be a personal attack, and not as an adjunct to a legitimate review.
But seriously. Enough is enough. At what point did the Austin hobby begin denigrating into the sad mess that it is right now? What happened to the days of the "Austin Adorables" feeling respected and appreciated, and those same ladies going out of their way to show their affection and appreciation for the Austin hobbyists? Is there any way we can get this place back on track?