No one shows up for bitten and his hoe AZ event!!

bitten and his hoe hold an event in Phoenix...AND NO ONE SHOWS UP...the reporter says "not your typical presidential campaign event"??HAHAHAHAHAHA The enthusiasm is incredible!! And ol'sleepy joe is just waiting for the Nov. third coronation that the left has you believe.
Lapdog's Avatar
No, junior. His election to the presidency will be on November 3rd. His "coronation" will be on January 20, 2021.
Hahahaha.......The Biden campaign wants to keep crowds to a minimum because of the Pandemic. They don't need a Pandemic to keep the crowd small, lol.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wanna bet your life on Arizona?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
A cover story to cover a cover story.
But, for the tribal elders, good for them to accept a meeting invite. But do the Dims not realize that after a couple hundred yrs of oppression, the tribes will simply not believe a single word the Dims throw down.
Wanna bet your life on Arizona? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There isn't enough Hispanics in Arizona to get Biden in office. That's how lame he is.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
me thinks biden is sabotaging himself on purpose.

puhlease.... there is very little enthusiasm for biden. how many biden sigs do you see that outnumber trumps?
matchingmole's Avatar
Biden has many sigs
Lapdog's Avatar
me thinks biden is sabotaging himself on purpose.

puhlease.... there is very little enthusiasm for biden. how many biden sigs do you see that outnumber trumps? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Puhlease....The reason there's so many Trump signs out there is because Biden supporters don't feel the need to go waving their dicks at each other, and rightfully so.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Well, my Trump loving buddy constantly complains about all the Biden signs where he lives in Dallas. He says Trump supporters are too classy for that. I just tell him that of course they are because the God he worships in office exudes class to very few with half a brain... after the election, my friend is going to need to be hospitalized for depression.

I actually kind of feel bad for the guy. That motherfucker really loves his Trump.
Lapdog's Avatar
In my neighborhood, about half of the houses display Trump signs in their yards. No Biden signs at all. Maybe I just live in a neighborhood that is all Trump country. I tend to think that I just live among a bunch of clueless redneck dumbasses, with all their Dodge diesels and Trucknutz hanging from the rear bumper.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
He lives in an area in Dallas that I am even surprised he sees any Biden signs.

My guess is that he doesn't pay much attention to the Trump signs because he is cool with that and the Biden signs just piss him off and they stick in his head... I went to his daughter's birthday party at his house a few weeks ago and I saw a lot more Trump signs than Biden signs in his neighborhood.

Looking back, I think I saw only 3 or 4 Biden signs and over 20 Trump signs so I don't know what the fuck he is even whining about.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
me thinks biden is sabotaging himself on purpose.

puhlease.... there is very little enthusiasm for biden. how many biden sigs do you see that outnumber trumps? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
In southern Williamson county I see many more Biden signs than Trump signs. Meaningless in that probably 1% of homes have any signs at all.

Anyone can feel free to try to draw a correlation between crowd size at rallies and who will win the election.

Let's review RCP's latest summary of state polls:

Florida: Biden +3.5
Wisconisn: Biden +6.3
Michigan: Biden +7.0
Pennsylvania: Biden +7.3
NC: Biden +1.3
Arizona: Biden +2.7
Minnesota: Biden +9.0
Ohio: Biden +.6
Iowa: Biden +1.2
Nevada: Biden +6.0
Georgia: Trump +.4
NH: Biden +9.0
Colorado: Biden +10.0
Texas:Trump +4.4

At the national level, Biden +10.2. Hillary Clinton was +3 on election day.

But remember 2016 when most, myself included, thought Hillary would win. Here is RCP's current look at the electoral map. 187 electoral votes undecided at this point in time. In 2016, Trump swept all those states except for Nevada. Can it happen again?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Oh shit Hillary didn't win , saw the joey footage """""ENTHUSIAM"""
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
In southern Williamson county I see many more Biden signs than Trump signs. Meaningless in that probably 1% of homes have any signs at all... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Seen any billboards in southern Williamson county that are at top a big pole? Speaking of polls...

No wonder the Loony-Lefties always try to erase, cancel or rewrite history. It not only exposes them for the treasonous leeches they are, it also does not favor them in the slightest. David Chapman has searched through our history of elections and discovered several, let's say revealing, truth bombs that make the polls favoring Hiden Biden's chances akin to a snow cone in Hades.

Whole of the article is worth a read as he covers a broad range of historical (hysterical too) factoids, tidbits, references and generally abysmal news for the lecherous Demonicrats.

The One Metric That Has Decided Every Presidential Winner Since 1988...And Trump Has a Lock on It

Again, David Chapman and PollWatch are two good accounts that have been tracking the polling this cycle and cutting through the nonsense from the liberal media. There’s been a lot of funny business with the polling folks. Firms conducting polls around the same time but getting different results. We have shy Trump voters. We youth vote interest tanking in this election cycle to levels not seen since 2000. Some polls have one million fewer young people voting this year. But somehow Biden is going to win by like 12 points. It’s unreliable to the nth degree. So, what Chapman did was compile a thread that cuts through a lot of the liberal media silliness out there. For starters, he nixes the idea that bad economies kill incumbents. Yes, that was the case for Bush 41, but historically the incumbent party is 12-11 when facing re-election during an economic downturn.

And speaking of incumbents, Chapman added, “no incumbent who has received at least 75% of the primary vote has lost re-election. Donald Trump received 94% of the primary vote, which is the 4th highest all-time. Higher than Eisenhower, Nixon, Clinton, and Obama.”

Oh, and it gets better.

“Three times in history America has faced a pandemic, recession, and civil unrest during an election year. The incumbent party is 3-0 in those elections,” wrote Chapman “What about polls? Well, polls are predicting Trump's win. The ABC poll shows Trump with a 19-point enthusiasm advantage.”

He noted that every candidate who held the edge in voter enthusiasm since 1988 has won the election...

Those that do not learn history are doomed to repeat it, comes to mind Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do